Apex Legends being a free-to-play title has a reputation for having a lot of cheaters who in turn ruin the experience of the rest of the players. Recently, it has been reported by players that they are facing a new type of cheater who has two weapons wielded in their hands.
Certain players who like to play by unfair means have started to take weapons in both their hands and have been wreaking havoc ever since. It mostly includes Pistols and SMGs, but the firepower is enough to take any opponent down almost instantly.
A dual-wield weapon hack has been discovered in Apex Legends Season 12
Similar to previous times, players have come across a new type of hack in the game where the cheaters were equipped with two weapons simultaneously.
The cheaters mainly used P2020 pistols in both hands, and it looked very similar to that of Dual Berettas from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Akimbo from Call of Duty.
An Apex player named "caoboi97bop" has posted on Reddit about this new hack. He was taken by surprise upon getting knocked out by an enemy carrying two P2020 pistols and using both of them at the same time.
The feature to use two weapons simultaneously has not yet been implemented in the game. As a result, caoboi97bop was shocked when he started to spectate the enemy that knocked him down.
Cheaters tend to mostly use walls and aim hacks in general. This dual-wield weapon hack is something new and scary, and Apex Legends developers should take action to eliminate this nuisance.
This hack is not limited to Pistols only. It has also been reported that cheaters used weapons like the R99 SMG and Wingman. They could even shoot after getting knocked down.
Using unfair means of gaining advantage upon other players in multiplayer games like Apex Legends, Valorant, Rainbow Six Siege, etc. are always looked down upon.
These types of practices should be avoided at any cost as it leads them nowhere in the competitive scene. The fun part of these games also gets ruined because of them.
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