All Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer modes revealed: Domination, Knockout, Prisoner Rescue, and more

The multiplayer mode is set to be more content-filled than ever (Image via Activision)
The game's multiplayer mode is set to feature more content than ever before (Image via Activision)

The new and improved Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is set for a complete official release on 28 October. Players and fans all over the world have already gotten a taste of the game by playing its campaign, which was released for pre-access users on 20 October, and are eagerly waiting for more.

As its release date gets closer, Activision is revealing even more details about the game. A recent multiplayer overview was provided by the company that explains all the changes coming to the game, and with it, all the multiplayer modes have been confirmed as well. Infinity Ward is bringing in a couple of new modes that players have never seen before while retaining most of the classic modes that have been in the franchise for years.

Modern Warfare 2 will not be launching with 'Kill Confirmed' in the multiplayer playlist

First off, Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer mode will be divided into two categories based on the type of map being played. The two categories include Core and Battle Maps. Core Map Mode comprises of all the 6v6 maps in the game that have a three-lane structure and are designed with Call of Duty's classic multiplayer modes in mind.

The Battle Maps Mode category consists of all the 32v32 maps, which are essentially the bigger maps designed for the Ground War multiplayer modes. Ground War was introduced with Modern Warfare (2019) and has been a fan-favorite mode ever since.

All of the Core multiplayer modes confirmed for release at launch are:

  1. Free-for-all
  2. Team Deathmatch
  3. Domination
  4. Hardpoint
  5. Headquarters
  6. Control
  7. Prisoner Rescue
  8. Knock Out
  9. Search & Destroy

The Battle Map multiplayer modes confirmed for release at launch are:

  1. Ground War
  2. Ground War Invasion

Interestingly, Kill Confirmed is a multiplayer mode missing from this list. The mode was leaked in the game files earlier, which unofficially confirmed its release at launch, but Infinity Ward seems to be planning to release it at a later date.

The game modes will be playable in different playlists are as follows:


This playlist includes specific multiplayer modes that usually have a bonus such as double XP or double weapon XP. The playlist has a rotation change every Friday, following which it's replaced with a newer featured game mode. New game modes and maps in Modern Warfare 2 will be added to this playlist for players to try out.

Quick Play

The Kill Confirmed game mode will be added on a later date (Image via Activision)
The Kill Confirmed game mode will be added on a later date (Image via Activision)

This is a personalizable playlist and players can add their favorite game modes to it. This way, players do not need to get into game modes they do not enjoy and can be in a loop of their own preferences. Players will be able to add or remove game modes whenever they want, with a minimum count of one and a maximum of all modes.

Tier 1

'Hardcore' has been renamed as 'Tier 1' in Modern Warfare 2 with the same gameplay elements. All players will have 30% health and a headshot with any gun is an instant kill. With no map or friendly team indicator, the HUD elements are considerably reduced and friendly fire is enabled.

Third-Person Mode


Third-Person Mode was introduced to the Call of Duty franchise with Modern Warfare 2 (2009), which has now been improved upon and reintroduced 13 years later. The camera is set over the shoulder of the Operator, giving players a bigger view of their surroundings. The view will switch back to a first-person perspective when players ADS (Aim Down Sights) while using guns with a 4x scope or higher.

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