"Fortune's Keep is just chef's kiss": Call of Duty Warzone fans on Reddit can't get enough of new map

Call of Duty Warzone Fortune's Keep has impressed fans (Image via Activision)
Call of Duty Warzone Fortune's Keep has impressed fans (Image via Activision)

The Call of Duty Warzone Season 4 update went live recently, and the player base just can't get enough of it.

The Call of Duty 'Mercenaries of Fortune' patch came with tons of new content for users to enjoy. From the various changes made to the maps to brand new weapons, vehicles, game modes, and zombies, there is more than enough substance for the gamers to enjoy thoroughly.

But the title of the crown jewel in this patch goes to the brand new Fortune's Keep Resurgence map. It has a size similar to Rebirth Island, but the presence of variance in terrain makes it a much more enjoyable arena.

Many in the fanbase think this new map is the breadth of fresh air that will keep individuals busy until Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 come later this year.


Call of Duty Warzone player base adores new map

Fortune's Keep has been welcomed with a tide of positive responses from the community. Though users are unsatisfied with the current gun meta, it doesn't change the fact that the arena is the new haunting ground for a considerable number of gamers.

A comment from a Reddit user (Image via Reddit)
A comment from a Reddit user (Image via Reddit)

In a recent Reddit post, the above user praised the new map, giving it a chef's kiss. And yes, the comparison is perfect as the Resurgence map features a variety of terrain and an excellent map design that keeps the players hooked to it.

The map contains secrets for the gamer base to enjoy, featuring a maze-like subterranean tunnel network that makes room for excellent close-quarter movement plays.

The new Call of Duty Warzone map has drawn players to it as the flame attracts a moth. Despite complaining about the current gun meta, this Reddit user stated that the new map had reinvigorated him and his squadmates' love for the game.

Fortune's Keep is constantly pulling in Call of Duty Warzone users as they learn about it and discover its various hidden secrets.

Replying to the previous post, another Redditor shared a similar sentiment. He feels that the new map has increased his interest in Call of Duty Warzone, where he is counting the minutes of coming home from work to log on for his daily Warzone fix.

Another Call of Duty Warzone player on Reddit commented about the fluidity of movement in the new map. He said that repositioning inside it is very painless.

If players get engaged by their enemies when unprepared, it is straightforward to disengage from the gunfight and move further away to reset the engagement.

This is mainly possible due to the impressive design of the new map. Fortune's Keep allows for fast-paced gunfights where it is very easy to get flanked, and the user base loves the adrenalin rush they get while playing on this map.

This Redditor felt that the new map had changed the engagements between gamers for the better. Despite getting sandwiched between the two teams, players have the avenue to survive because of the map's design.

They can quickly move around the area due to the abundance of mobility options being a core part of the map design.

Despite the map being a hot zone for campers, users feel it doesn't hamper their gameplay experience. The presence of an abundance of covers and sharp corners helps them survive the ambush of enemies.

This Call of Duty Warzone gamer observed that his survival rate in the game has increased on the new map. This is the outcome of a superb map design by the developers, enabling individuals to quickly back off from a disadvantageous gunfight, circle around their enemies, and ambush them.

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