Genshin Impact announces TikTok and Twitch streaming events with Primogems rewards for 2.6 patch

Genshin Impact version 2.6 brings back Twitch and TikTok events for streamers and content creators (Image via HoYoverse)
Genshin Impact version 2.6 brings back Twitch and TikTok events for streamers and content creators (Image via HoYoverse)

With Genshin Impact version 2.6, two web events for Twitch streamers and TikTok creators have returned. There will be a Streamer Recruitment event on Twitch and a Video Shorts event on TikTok.

Both the events will focus on increasing the number of content creators and streamers that promote Genshin Impact. To stream the game or create content with it, participants will get Primogems and other rewards.

Genshin Impact 2.6 Streamer Recruitment Event on Twitch: Missions, rewards, and more

The registration period for the event has begun, and it will end on April 2. It will be live from April 5 till April 26, and the submission finalization will take place from April 27 till April 29.

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The goal is simple, streamers need to stream in the Genshin Impact category on Twitch. They will get the following Primogem rewards accordingly:

  • Stream 5-10 hours: 160 Primogems
  • Stream 10-20 hours: 320 Primogems
  • Stream over 20 hours: 640 Primogems

Moreover, streamers will be rewarded if their followers increase during the event period. The three categories include:

  • Streamers with 500 followers or less.
  • Streamers with 500-3000 followers.
  • Streamers with more than 3,000 followers.

For a 10%/30%/50% increase in followers, streamers will get bonus Primogems. It is worth noting that the bonus is different for each category.

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Last but not least, there are five special challenges, and completing them will grant streamers some more Primogems. Interestingly, these challenges can be completed repeatedly, and accordingly, the participants can claim the rewards several times.


These challenges naturally relate to the new content in version 2.6, such as The Chasm. Some noticeable challenges include:

  • Complete the Theater Mechanicus challenge stages 3 times.
  • Defeat 5 Ruin Serpents in total.
  • Destroy 3 Bedrock Keys.

For more information on details, rules, and FAQs, readers can head to the official announcement post.

Genshin Impact 2.6 TikTok Video Shorts Event: Challenges, Primogems rewards, and more

The TikTok Video Shorts Event is exactly what the name suggests. Participants will have to download and install the application and create videos that last less than 45 seconds.

The original TikTok event had a Windblume theme, and the latest version's hashtag topic is #GenshinMoments. Players will be able to earn points when they like and upload videos with this hashtag. Uploading 1/3/5/10 videos will grant 5/5/5/10 points, respectively. Also, sharing Genshin's Got Impact page will give 3 points.

Check out the complete list of Genshin Impact Characters , here.

For more information on the TikTok Shorts Event, players can visit this link through a mobile device.

Apart from the aforementioned web events, Genshin Impact version 2.6 will introduce several in-game events as well. Hence, players who do not stream or create content will also have ample opportunities to earn Primogems and unlock their favorite characters.

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