How to obtain the Godskin Peeler Twinblade in Elden Ring

Obtaining the Godskin Peeler in Elden Ring (Images via Elden Ring)
Obtaining the Godskin Peeler in Elden Ring (Images via Elden Ring)

Twinblades are some of the most reliable weapon types in Elden Ring, and by either “powerstancing” them or using them in just one hand, there is a lot of versatility that they bring to the table. From excelling in clearing mobs to making a lot of difficult encounters significantly easier, Twinblades can get the Tarnished through a variety of situations.

Elden Ring has a lot of Twinblade variants that players will be able to try out, each offering something new in terms of base stats as well as unique weapon skills. Perhaps one of the most unique amongst them is the Godskin Peeler, which comes with one of the most spectacular weapon arts in the game.

Known as the Black Flame Tornado, the skill allows the player to spin the Twinblade overhead and plunge it into the ground, creating a vortex of black flames. The Elden Ring Tarnished can charge up the spell further and create an initial flame tornado while spinning the armament.

Here's how players can get their hands on this highly-coveted Twinblade in the game.

Obtaining the Godskin Peeler in Elden Ring


Players will not be able to get their hands on the Godskin Peeler Twinblade early on in Elden Ring and will have to make a significant amount of progress in the narrative to obtain it.

To obtain it, players will first need to:

  • Gain access to Altus Plateau, which they can do in two ways. The first and more recommended one is to piece together the two halves of the Dectus Medallion and activate the Grand Lift of Dectus. After doing so, players will automatically be taken to the new region.
  • The alternative way is to go through the dungeons to the north of Liurnia of the lakes. Here players must defeat the area boss, Magma Wyrm Makar, to access the lift which is right behind him and take the ride to Altus Plateau.
  • Another way would be to get kidnapped or invited to the Volcano Manor and then head to Altus from Mt. Gelmir. However, those methods are not recommended for new players.
  • After gaining access to Altus, players will need to head to the north of the Plateau and reach the Windmill Village Site of Grace, located directly to the northwest of Leyndell, the Royal Capital.
  • After entering the village, the Elden Ring Tarnished must work their way up to the top of the hill.
  • It’s important to note here that the residents of the village are not exactly aggressive, and players will only draw aggro from them if they strike them. The mobs here usually sing and dance around a fire and will only attack the player when provoked. After making their way up the hill, players will then face the boss of the village, a Godskin Apostle.
  • The fight can prove to be difficult based on the build that players are going for and the number of Runes they have invested in leveling their primary stats. The fight is manageable with a bit of practice, and a good summon can make it significantly easier. Players can also get on Torrent and employ a hit-and-run strategy to take out the boss without a fuss.

With a 17 Strength and 22 Dexterity requirement, the Godskin Peeler has become a fan-favorite Twinblade to invest in for those who have been going for a more Quality build (leveling both Strength and Dexterity). The weapon art looks amazing on mob enemies, and the Black Flame itself does a bit of additional tick damage when used on targets.

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