League of Legends leaks reveal information on brand new Empyrean skinline 

League of Legends leaks are suggesting the release of brand new Empyrean skins towards the end of Worlds 2022 (Image via Riot Games)
League of Legends leaks are suggesting the release of brand new Empyrean skins towards the end of Worlds 2022 (Image via Riot Games)

League of Legends leakers on September 24, 2022, recently provided some valuable information regarding a brand-new skinline that will be released around the latter part of Worlds 2022. Apparently, it is going to be called Empyrean and will feature quite a lot of champions.

This information might end up being true as the leaks originated from the game client itself. Apart from that, there was information a week ago suggesting that the upcoming Shurima-based tank champion, K'Sante, might be part of the Empyrean skinline.


So, if this one is released right around the end of Worlds 2022, then the timeline mentioned in some previous leaks will turn out to be accurate. However, there is also a chance that these in-game names are simply placeholders and that Riot Games might have some other plans in store.

Full details regarding brand new League of Legends Empyrean skinline reportedly set to be released during Worlds 2022

As mentioned previously, the brand new Empyrean skinline came into the spotlight through leaked information from the League of Legends game client itself. Apparently, there were a lot of letters that had the Empyrean tag mentioned in the leaks. In fact, the tag itself was referred to in the form of the letter "E."

However, leakers have confirmed that the E stands for Empyrean and nothing else. In any case, they immediately knew that the tag was the name of a skinline, as earlier during the week, there was news about the brand new champion, K'Sante, to feature under the banner. It was said that K'Sante's Empyrean skin would be designed by Lil Nas X, the man behind the Worlds 2022 anthem.

Unfortunately, apart from the Empyrean name, nothing else was clear from the in-game files, as they mostly had letters attached alongside the tag: "J", "P", "V", "Z" and "K."

Obviously, K here stands for K'Sante, but the other champions are tough to predict. This is because there are a lot of units within League of Legends whose name starts with those letters.

Therefore, the community formed a list of champions that might be part of the skinline. The list includes Jayce, Jinx, Janna, Jhin, Jax, Jarvan, Pantheon, Poppy, Pyke, Varus, Vayne, Veigar, Vel'Koz, Vex, Vi, Viego, Viktor, Valdimir, Volibear, Zac, Zed, Zeri, Ziggs, Zilean, Zoe, and Zyra.

Evidently, there are a lot of names. Out of them, only eight champions are going to receive the skins. Unfortunately, it is not possible to mention which ones as the in-game files do not offer any clear information.

In any case, these skins are expected to be released sometime near the end of November, which will be around the time Worlds 2022 comes to an end. So, there is still quite some time left before K'Sante, as well as the Empyrean skinline, sees the light of day in League of Legends.

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