Guide to playing Kai'Sa in League of Legends season 12

A brief guide to Kai
A brief guide to Kai'Sa in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Kai'Sa is often considered to be one of the strongest and most powerful ADCs ever created in League of Legends. She is one of those champions capable of providing massive value without showcasing any major form of weakness.

This is why she is always preferred ahead of most other ADCs whenever she gets a buff. As it so happens, Riot Games has buffed her recently, making her one of the most recommended champions moving forward.


Kai'Sa is a powerhouse champion and retains her strength right from the laning phase to the late game. She is currently one of the best champions to pick up and play in order to gain confidence within the game. Hence, a brief guide to Kai'Sa has been provided in this article for players to follow within the game.

Rune, item build, and gameplay tips for Kai'Sa in League of Legends season 12

Before proceeding further, it is first important to provide a brief overview regarding Kai'Sa in League of Legends. As mentioned previously, Kai'Sa provides a lot of value as she does not have any major downsides.

Kai'Sa has immense wave clear and dive potential. Her Q ability can obliterate minion waves in the blink of an eye, which makes farming very easy. Apart from that, her pushing power helps Kai'Sa to always have priority in the lane, which makes it easier for the team to set up objectives such as Dragons and Rift Heralds.

Fortunately, the positives of Kai'Sa do not end here as her ultimate ability helps the champion dive into enemy backlines easily. Apart from that, when she uses the ultimate, she also gains a shield which protects her from any form of incoming damage.

In fact, she can also use this shield defensively to run away from sticky situations. Overall, Kai'Sa is arguably one of the best champions in the entirety of League of Legends.

In terms of weakness, the only way she suffers from is something that affects every champion in-game. If Kai'Sa is shut down in the early game and her Mythic item is delayed, her scaling halts, making it almost impossible for her to get back into the game.

In any case, it is now time to move forward with the rest of the guide.

Rune Path for Kai'Sa in League of Legends

A brief guide to Kai'Sa in League of Legends season 12 (Image via Riot Games)
A brief guide to Kai'Sa in League of Legends season 12 (Image via Riot Games)

Primary Rune (Domination): Hail of Blades, Taste of Blood, Eyeball Collection, Treasure Hunter

Secondary Rune (Precision): Presence of Mind, Legend: Bloodline

Based on Kai'Sa's runes, it is quite clear that players will want to engage in multiple fights and get an early advantage. Hail of Blades helps Kai'Sa trade hits very efficiently and simultaneously deals heavy damage.

This helps her get ahead in the lane, both in terms of farm as well as experience. Apart from that, Presence of Mind and Legend: Bloodline further enhances her damage output by a significant margin.

Item build


The item build for Kai'Sa in League of Legends is provided below:

  • Kraken Slayer
  • Phantom Dancer
  • Infinity Edge
  • Lord Dominik's Regard
  • Collector
  • Berserker's Greaves

Kai'Sa's build in League of Legends is a combination of attack speed and damage. As mentioned before, Kai'Sa has a few self-survivability options, which allows her to focus on building full damage items.

Obviously, Kraken Slayer is the first major power spike and, when combined with Phantom Dancer, it gives Kai'Sa a massive boost towards her damage output. Lastly, Infinity Edge and Lord Dominik's Regard provides massive scaling to her and helps the champion reach the pinnacle of damage.

Gameplay tips


In terms of gameplay tips, there is not a lot to say about Kai'Sa. One thing players should remember is that she is a powerful champion and barely has any major weaknesses.

Therefore, League of Legends players should be fearless with her when taking trades or diving into enemy backlines. Kai'Sa can take down most champions in the game, including ADCs, supports, mages, or even tanks. It is vital to be aggressive when playing this champion.

In terms of builds, there is no specific path to follow, but maxing out her Q first is always the right way to proceed, followed by her W and E. As always, her R ability should be leveled up whenever possible.

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