League of Legends patch 12.11 will be reverting some champion durability changes, buff assassin burst and healing

Assassins might be back on the menu once more with patch 12.11 (Image via League of Legends)
Assassins might be back on the menu once more with patch 12.11 (Image via League of Legends)

League of Legends patch 12.10 was one of the biggest patches the game had seen in a while. The patch completely shifted the meta, giving a lot of agency to ADCs, late-game scaling champions and tanks while putting shackles on burst champions and assassins.

However, it seems Riot Games might have overdone it as they are looking to revoke some of the changes that were introduced in patch 12.10. Some of these changes include making assassins viable once more while also introducing buffs to healing.

There are a few other changes that have been lined up, as the developers are looking to balance out scaling for certain champions.

Every major change from the champion durability update that are getting rescinded in patch 12.11 of League of Legends

The major changes that were brought to League of Legends in patch 12.10 (champion durability patch) include increased base health, magic resistance and armor for every character. This, in turn, nerfed assassins to the ground and reduced their burst potential completely.

It sort of killed champions like LeBlanc, who relied on finishing off squishy ADCs with one combo. It appears the developers now feel that the nerf was way too harsh. In fact, they seem to believe that if an assassin or a mage is investing in burst damage items, they should be rewarded.

Thus, the developers are bringing buffs to lethality mythics and flat penetration items to make sure that assassins become playable again.

The second major change that was introduced in the champion durability patch of League of Legends was healing.

Since the base stats of champions were increased, the developers nerfed healing to prevent that aspect from becoming overpowered.

It now seems that the developers will be buffing healing once more as it has become quite underwhelming in the current state. However, it will not be returned to its original state. Instead, it will be partially tuned.

Along with this, the cooldowns of some champions will also be buffed. The developers are also introducing small buffs to diving champions so that they are able to deal damage more efficiently.

Apart from that, there will be some nerfs to the base stats of the champions. This is because there are several champions in the game that rely a lot on scaling in the late game.

Unfortunately, the increased base stats are benefitting certain champions a bit too much in the late game, which is making it harder to punish them.

Finally, the developers are also reducing the damage of outer towers. This is because during League of Legends' champion durability patch, outer tower damage was enhanced to protect weak laners early in the game.

Unfortunately, this change has made tower diving almost impossible. Thus, the damage is getting nerfed to provide agency to players who love to dive.

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