Outriders Titanium farm guide: How to max out all resources and materials

(Image via People Can Fly)
(Image via People Can Fly)

Lately, Outriders players have been trying to max out all their resources, such as Titanium.

Without a doubt, Outriders has grown popular since its release earlier this month. Many players have beaten the campaign and expedition but still want to collect as many resources as possible.

Collecting resources and materials such as Titanium allows for several more upgrades and better gear for challenges. However, only some players have been able to reach max capacity.

This article dives into how to max out all the resources in Outriders.

Maxing out resources and materials in Outriders

One key thing to know is that if a player gets gold on a Challenge Tier 15 Expedition, they'll acquire 70 to 75 thousand Drop Pods.

Depending on how much a player plays in an hour, they can even reach the max Drop Pod resources within that same hour or two.

Of course, this is beneficial for those who reach that Tier 15 and more reasons to reach it if players haven’t already.

Other resources such as Titanium, Iron, Leather, Scraps, and Sharps are also things players want to max out on in Outriders. A good portion of this is given to players after simply deconstructing items throughout the game.

At the same time, scraps can be obtained by selling several items to in-game vendors. The best way to max out all the resources is to get to Challenge Tier 15 and convert materials. It can be as simple as swapping Drop Pods and immediately maxing out on the resources.

(Image via People Can Fly)
(Image via People Can Fly)

By going to vendors like Tiago, players can swap out their Drop Pods, sell the Drop Pods, and obtain Scraps to purchase Titanium, Leather, and Iron.

Farming Drop Pods is the way to go as it's a quick way to get all those necessary resources, and this method might get nerfed in the future since it's so easy to do so currently.

Doing this method and maxing it out now would be the best bet since Outriders can get an update anytime soon. An update could prevent any other players from possibly using this method or making it an overall longer method than what it is now.

RELATED: The best World Tier farm in Outriders: Guide to quickly and effectively leveling up

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