Where to find Titanium in Outriders

Image Via Square Enix
Image Via Square Enix

Titanium is a resource in Outriders that players will need to craft high-level gear as they progress through the game. It's a rare resource, so knowing how to find it will save plenty of time and allow for more upgrades.

Early on in Outriders, players won't need to worry as much about finding and using Titanium. Progression at that point is more about finding better gear and quickly swapping out armor or weapons to learn the game. However, once players get to higher levels and gear lasts longer, Titanium will suddenly become a needed resource.

As Outriders missions are completed from the early game and on, players will earn some Titanium from mission rewards. It won't be a ton, but there will be enough available to make some minimal upgrades when the time comes. Players will have enough time to upgrade and look for new sources of Titanium to make further enhancements.

One of the best ways to get larger amounts of Titanium is to simply break down weapons and armor. But it can't just be any armor, the items need to be either an epic or legendary quality. When an epic item is broken down, one piece of Titanium will be given, and two pieces of Titanium are given for breaking down a legendary.

In the Outriders world itself, there is more potential to get some Titanium. It's possible to find harvesting nodes that are Titanium based, but they are more rare than other nodes found in the world. Aside from nodes, world tiers can also reward Titanium as long as players progress past world tier 9.

What is Titanium used for in Outriders?


Crafting in Outriders is all about upgrading and enhancing gear that players come across. Titanium is a resource meant for that exact system, and it allows players to enhance the rare items that they have.

One part of crafting is simply upgrading the base rarity of a piece of armor or a weapon. In order to get to an epic weapon, players will need Titanium, and the amount will get more expensive later in the game.

Improving attributes or statistics on epic and legendary gear will also require that players use Titanium. Essentialy, players will always need to be looking for the rare resource in Outriders if they want to have the best gear possible. Search the world, play at high tiers, and deconstruct to get the most of the game.