Udyr receives major balance changes in League of Legends PBE just 24 hours after release

Udyr has had a tough few days (Image via League of Legends)
Udyr has had a tough few days (Image via League of Legends)

On August 11, 2022, League of Legends officially released the new Udyr rework in the PBE (Public Beta Environment) version of the game. As it happens, his rework, in general, was received quite well by the community.

However, being such a massive rework, balancing is something that was still up for debate. So, just 24 hours after being released in the PBE, the developers introduced a mix of buffs and nerfs to his numbers to make him feel less overpowered.

It is tough to say whether these changes will be enough, though it seems the developers do not want him to go into the live servers in an unbalanced state.


Complete list of Udyr changes on League of Legends PBE

Before moving any further, it is first essential to provide the balance changes that Udyr received in the PBE:

Q- Wilding Claw

  • Bonus attack speed reduced from 25 - 75% to 20 - 70% (applies to both regular and empowered)
  • HP damage increased from 3% - 8% max HP to 3% - 9%
  • Deals 5 - 25 + 10% bAD damage on-hit for 4 seconds (separate from bonus damage for next 2 attacks)

W- Iron Mantle

  • On-hit heal reduced from 1.3% - 2% max HP to 1.2% - 1.8%
  • Lifesteal increased from 10% to 15% (20% to 30% for empowered)
  • Shield AP ratio reduced from 60% to 50%
  • Empowered shield AP ratio reduced from 100% to 80%
  • Empowered shield HP ratio reduced from 10% to 8%

In terms of changes, it seems his AP (Ability Power) ratio got hit quite badly, while he received AD (Attack Damage) scaling on his Q ability. This is something that will provide lots of build variety for Udyr, as earlier, players were forced to go for only a tank/AP bruiser type build.

However, they can now go for AD builds as well, provided users focus on gaining the most out of the Q ability.

Unfortunately, the changes up until now have received mixed reviews from League of Legends gamers.

The game currently lacks AP bruisers, which is why Riot Games has been trying to introduce a few. Udyr was one who could have fit into the same mold perfectly.

Unfortunately, the developers nerfed his AP ratio and added AD scaling, something that might seem counter-productive.

Apart from that, a few players feel he still needs nerfs before being released into the main client of League of Legends. In any case, it will be interesting to witness the direction the developers take when balancing Udyr before his official release on August 24, 2022.

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