Warzone 2.0 adds Third Person View to its gameplay for first time in Call of Duty history

Warzone 2.0 MWII
Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 brings Third Person Perspective mode to PC and console Call of Duty games (Image via Activision)

The latest Call of Duty: Next event brought several shocking reveals involving Warzone 2.0, Modern Warfare 2, and Warzone Mobile. The biggest of them was that for the first time in COD history, players will be able to play the MW2 and WZ 2.0 from a Third Person Perspective (TPP).

Ever since the inception of the franchise, gamers have played its titles in First Person Perspective (FPP), which has become the franchise's trademark approach in offering realistic combat in video games. But with the new Warzone 2.0 trailer, the series seems to be making an unexpected move that's more in line with other games like PUBG, Apex Legends, etc.

Both console and PC players currently use the infamous Field of View (FOV) settings to set their preferences and have always relied on it, as well as their screen size, to gain a gameplay advantage. But the new feature might give others an equal opportunity in terms of leveling the playing field. Here's all about the latest feature, as seen in the trailer.

Third Person View might be next big thing in COD Warzone 2.0

In the recent Warzone 2.0 trailer and the MW2 Open Beta's game settings, players have noticed a Third Person FOV option right below the FOV slider. However, the cool thing about this feature in Call of Duty MW2 and WZ 2.0 is that players can adjust their Field of View to the third person as well to the usual FPP.

Moreover, there is speculation surrounding the TPP shoulder-swap option regarding if the titles will take inspiration from games like Rogue Company or PUBG; the feature for players to use both FPP and TPP is directly inspired by COD Mobile.

However, shoulder swaps usually help players in peeking through corners and offer a better FOV than the typical over-the-shoulder view through the right shoulder in TPP mode. Since the feature hasn't yet been confirmed, players can only hope to get more options when it comes to the Third Person View mode.

Call of Duty gamers believe that TPP offers a wider Field of View of enemies while also allowing players to look a little bit behind them and around corners. FPP, on the other hand, is much better for aiming and clearing the inside of buildings.

Another speculation between players is about whether the TPP and FPP modes will have different lobbies or the same ones. In COD Mobile, players usually select their preferred FOV mode before entering a Battle Royale match and then get into a lobby with compatible modes. A similar style can also be seen in games like Apex Legends and PUBG, as they have their own separate lobbies.

While the debate between the two FOVs still continues, players cannot wait for Warzone 2.0 and MW2 to release. They're eager to experience the new features in the games.

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