Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 get new party-queuing feature to find competitive teammates easily

CoD 2.0 receives a new social feature (Image via Activision)
CoD 2.0 receives a new social feature (Image via Activision)

Over four months since its launch, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has received two seasons. Each season, developers release a mid-way update with the "Reloaded" title that features new content and bug fixes while balancing weapons and abilities.

The Season 2 Reloaded update has been confirmed to launch on March 15. One of the biggest upcoming additions to the game is the new party-queuing social feature which will make it much easier to find teammates during Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 matches.

Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 players can automatically join friends after their match ends

Before every major update, the official Call of Duty website releases a blog post highlighting all the notable features and changes being added to the game. Consequently, a new blog post was recently posted before the launch of Season 2 Reloaded next week.

Party-queuing is a quality-of-life feature that allows players to automatically join their friend's party as soon as their active match ends. This tackles the problem of not being able to join a friend's lobby when they're in a game. As per the blog post:

"After selecting the option to party queue, you will wait in the hanger bay pre-match lobby until that specific friend is done with their match, then automatically join their lobby for the next match."

Another neat addition to this feature is that once the party-queuing option has been selected in Modern Warfare 2 or Warzone 2, players can voice and text chat with friends currently in an ongoing match. All queued participants will appear on the game channel member list in the lobby.

However, players must remember that this upcoming feature could make a squad of four ineligible to re-queue for the quads playlist in Warzone 2 if the new party size exceeds the maximum party count of four.

In that case, the lobby leader may have to switch to a game mode suitable for the party size limit. For example, creating a party of five after finishing a battle royale quad match will lead to the party leader switching to Modern Warfare 2, which supports a maximum of five in a party.

This new feature will be added to Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 with the Season 2 Reloaded update, scheduled to be released on March 15 on all platforms, including PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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