"What the f**k, am I getting subtweeted by Pokimane?": Ludwig responds to tweet about guys pooping

A recent Pokimane tweet led to a hilarious but serious response from Ludwig (Image via Sportskeeda)
A recent Pokimane tweet led to a hilarious but serious response from Ludwig (Image via Sportskeeda)

During a recent Ludwig stream, he read out loud a particular Pokimane tweet and then replied to it. It was a fairly recent tweet where Pokimane joked about how long it takes guys to use to the restroom.

Feeling like he was being subtweeted, or perhaps finding the perfect time to make a clever reply, Ludwig took to Twitter, on stream to craft his response.

“What the f**k, am I getting subtweeted by Pokimane now? Serious question, why do guys take so long to poop lol?”

Ludwig fires back at Pokimane over tweet with funny but serious response

“Pooping is the only time we get to collect our thoughts and be vulnerable… and my phone is also very entertaining.”

It seems like Ludwig took Pokimane’s tweet very personally, and made a reply to her while on his stream via YouTube. According to the streamer, the toilet is the place he’s most vulnerable, and also has a very entertaining phone.

“That’s it, that’s why! When I’m pooping, Alright? When I’m pooping, I’m the most vulnerable I’ve ever been!”

Naturally, Ludwig’s tweet took off with a wealth of responses, garnering over 45K likes, 672 retweets, 30 Quote Retweets, and a number of responses. While it was a particularly comical response, it was a thought that apparently resonated with quite a few other people.

The internet responds to Ludwig’s bathroom talk

The responses on Twitter ranged wildly, from memes to jokes to people agreeing. AriaSaki agreed, and many flocked to agree with her. They felt like toilet thoughts were far superior to shower thoughts.

Ludwig’s tweet did not go unnoticed by Poki either, who had another laugh in the comments of her own post.

In a rather comical moment, Schlatt of OTK said he was looking for Ludwig to do his "little podcast", and couldn't find him. The comments wasted no time in keeping on topic.

Others wind up playing games while in the bathroom, so the time on the toilet winds up extended by a significant amount.

Either way, Ludwig was not alone in his assessment of spending time in the bathroom, as is indicated by his responses on Twitter. Some would drop memes or jokes in the thread as well. One Twitter user had the perfect book to read in the bathroom.

Ultimately it was a very comical moment, and it’s hard to tell whether Ludwig really felt like he was being subtweeted, or if the streamer just found a perfect moment to stir up a little trouble and get people talking.

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