When is the next Zhongli rerun coming to Genshin Impact? Leaks explained

Players will be extremely excited to see Zhongli return once more in the game (Image via Genshin Impact)
Players will be extremely excited to see Zhongli return once more in the game (Image via Genshin Impact)

There have been a wide number of leaks pertaining to the rerun-banners that will be present in Genshin Impact’s patch update 2.4.

As per a few reliable leakers, Zhongli might be on his way back for a second rerun in less than a year. While this is entirely a rumor, there is no denying that up until now almost every leak regarding reruns has been correct.

Zhongli is undoubtedly one of the best characters in the game. In fact, many even claim that he is the absolute best and a must have for almost any Genshin Impact player.


Zhongli might be paired up with Shenhe in Genshin Impact 2.4 patch update

Zhongli is undoubtedly a solid unit to have in Genshin Impact. He has a shield which makes any character in the game invincible for a short duration. His ultimate petrifies enemies and can even kill them if the damage is high enough.

Zhongli trivializes any sort of difficult content in the game, and is a must have unit for players who aim to gain 36 stars in the spiral abyss. However, the last time Zhongli made his way into the game was with patch update 1.5.

Since it was a rerun, many players speculated that he will not be back for a long time. It seems, though, that miHoYo is bringing him back once more along with the Lantern Rite festival in patch 2.4.

Genshin Impact’s 2.4 patch update is set to feature two new characters, Shenhe and Yun Jin. Shenhe is rumored to be a five star Cryo polearm user, while Yun Jin is expected to be a four star Geo polearm user.

Both of these characters have been confirmed by miHoYo a week back. However, along with them, there are a few re-run banners in place. Two of them are set to be the highly anticipated characters Xiao and Ganyu.

However, there were further leaks which suggested that Zhongli might also make a return along with Xiao and Ganyu. It seems Shenhe and Zhongli will feature in the first banner that is set to go live on January 5, 2021.

Xiao and Ganyu will have their banners go live on January 26, 2021. While it might come as a surprise to many, it is definitely within the realm of possibility.

Bringing 3 high profile characters in one update is a brilliant business move from a monetary point of view. At the same time, it also opens up more frequent reruns for other characters as well.

Zhongli might be on his way back to Genshin Impact along with Ganyu and Xiao (Image via Genshin Impact)
Zhongli might be on his way back to Genshin Impact along with Ganyu and Xiao (Image via Genshin Impact)

Apart from that, Character Event Wish-2 will only feature re-run banners, while Character Even Wish can feature both rerun banners as well as new banners. So putting together a rerun banner with Shenhe is not surprising.

Finally, as it is well known, the pity and wish count will be shared across all banners. Therefore, players who fail to get either Shenhe or Zhongli, will be guaranteed to get either Ganyu or Xiao.

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