The revamped Trials of Osiris saw the highest player count ever in Destiny 2 

Revamped Trials of Osiris has the highest player count recorded in Destiny 2 history (Image via Bungie)
Revamped Trials of Osiris has the highest player count recorded in Destiny 2 history (Image via Bungie)

On September 10, Bungie launched the Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris by completely reworking it from reputation systems, rewards, and even matchmaking. The endgame PvP activity can now be played solo while matching against other Guardians with the same skill-sets.

This opens a lot of doors for new players, as well as veterans. Destiny 2, being a PvE-focused game, sometimes fails to attract those who are not a fan of going up against other Guardians. This has changed recently where Bungie has removed the concept of winning streaks and rewards loot, based on the number of rounds won.

Plenty of new Guardians have started playing the game mode due to the easier access to Trials-exclusive weapons, armor, and engrams.

The success in the first week of Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris

The revamped version of Destiny 2 Trials of Osiris focuses more on the reputation system than winning rounds and getting the best perks. Guardians can rank up their reputation on Saint-14 and gather engrams to decode the weapons and armor they need.

This will include all Trial-exclusive gear that everyone can decode on the second page of the vendor's inventory. Additionally, it gives a chance to earn the best perks for every weapon, alongside high stat exclusive armor.

Each archetype in Destiny 2 always contains an alternative for the players to choose from, either inside the PvE or PvP. While the trial weapons function focuses more inside the Crucible, most Guardians used to look for an alternative of the same archetype to compete.

Aside from accessibility to gears, matchmaking changes have also played a significant role in bringing in additional Guardians to the PvP side of Destiny 2. The fact that everyone can match with other players at their own pace, without fireteam restrictions, made the game mode addictive and less stressful.

The only change that Trials needs right now is to stop the matchmaking of solo Guardians against a 3-stacked fireteam. Perhaps there will be a freelance mode added later on, much like the Iron Banner. This will give new PvE-focused players more freedom to go inside their matches and get maximum loot from Saint-14.