The Ultimate bridge-building guide in Valheim: Bridges in Valheim that mobs cannot cross

Bridges that prevent mobs from crossing in Valheim (Image via JOKER)
Bridges that prevent mobs from crossing in Valheim (Image via JOKER)

Valheims offers players an in-depth experience of building various types of bridges, so as to prevent mobs of in-game hostilities from crossing and attacking the player's base.

Valheim's mechanics present a variety of map designs for players to choose from. Needless to say, not all designs are optimal when it comes to protecting a player's base from mobs of hostile creatures. There are a few specific designs that have been proven to stop mobs from getting across the bridge.

From having key-activated bridges that can be closed off, to beam bridges that mobs can't walk across, this list of bridges in Valheim explores various options, to match the needs of all players.


Bridges in Valheim that prevent mobs from crossing

Different kinds of bridges in Valheim provide various benefits to players. From bridges that allow carts to be drawn across, to bridges that won't budge even if the player's character is overweight, Valheim's unique building mechanics allow players to construct any design that they wish to.

The Gate Bridge in Valheim (Image via JOKER)
The Gate Bridge in Valheim (Image via JOKER)

However, while constructing these designs, players should note the effectiveness of the structure. Considering the lethal and dangerous surroundings of Valheim, it is extremely essential that all constructions meet the basic in-game safety requirements. It is worth taking into account that most hostile creatures find it difficult to climb down into holes or giant crevices.

In order to build bridges in Valheim, players need a few basic items, irrespective of their structure's design. These items include:

  • A Workbench
  • A Hammer
  • Sufficient amount of wood resource
  • A Pickaxe for digging and clearing stone chunks; and
  • A how for levelling out the ground and making it fit for construction.

Once the player has collected all these items, they can begin the construction of a bridge that will prevent hostile mobs from crossing over. The various kinds of bridges that players can choose from include:

  • Beam Bridge - This bridge is constructed entirely out of wooden beams placed at a narrow distance from each other. The distance between the beams should be wide enough for hostile creatures to fall through while also narrow enough to allow players to draw their carts across.
  • Gate Bridge - Like the name suggests, this bridge uses a gate that players can open or close. Apart from using the gate traditionally to block the pathway, players can place a gate in place of a wooden platform. This method will allow the players to cut off the bridge by opening the door.
  • Log Bridge - Arguably the simplest of bridges to construct in Valheim, players simply need to place a giant log across the two platforms to create a bridge. Owing to the narrow structure and round shape of a log, hostile mobs will mostly fail to cross this kind of bridge in Valheim. However, players cannot draw carts across the narrow structure of a log.
The horizontal Gate Bridge in Valheim (Image via JOKER)
The horizontal Gate Bridge in Valheim (Image via JOKER)

These three kinds of bridges in Valheim are the most efficient when it comes to preventing hostile mobs from crossing over. However, as far as the construction and design is concerned, players are only limited by their own imagination and the amount of effort they are willing to put into Valheim.

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