Top 3 pros and cons of Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact

Kuki Shinobu is the new Electro character in the game (Image via HoYoverse)
Kuki Shinobu is the new Electro character in the game (Image via HoYoverse)

Kuki Shinobu is the first Electro Healer in the game, with an Elemental Skill almost similar to Barbara, another healer in Genshin Impact. Kuki is currently available in Arataki Itto's character banner, and players are wondering whether she is worth the Primogems.

As an Electro enabler, Kuki is viable in certain comps. However, she is a mediocre healer at best, especially since Diona and Kokomi are also great healers that have already been released in early games. This article will list all the pros and cons of Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact.

Top 3 pros of Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact

1) Great Electro enabler

Kuki Shinobu's Elemental Skill deals Electro damage every 1.5 seconds (Image via HoYoverse)
Kuki Shinobu's Elemental Skill deals Electro damage every 1.5 seconds (Image via HoYoverse)

Kuki Shinobu's Elemental Skill not only heals but also inflicts enemies within the AoE (area of effect) with Electro damage. This skill allows her to be viable in Physical teams with Eula or Taser teams with other Electro DPS.

2) Decent healing job

Kuki Shinobu is the game's first Electro Healer, and she fulfilled that role to a certain extent. Unlike Diona and Jean, she does not depend on energy or Elemental Burst. Even better, Kuki even has near-permanent uptime for her healing, unlike Barbara and Kokomi. Her HP scaling allows players to dump all their HP artifacts for Kuki, making her healing viable enough for open-world exploration.

3) Electro Resonance bonus

Electro Resonance effects (Image via HoYoverse)
Electro Resonance effects (Image via HoYoverse)

Kuki Shinobu being an Electro character in Genshin Impact has advantages as well. Teams who use a lot of energy, notably Taser teams, benefit greatly from Electro Resonance. When Electro triggers an Elemental Reaction, it will have a 100% chance to generate an Electro Elemental Particle.

Top 3 cons of Kuki Shinobu in Genshin Impact

1) Lots of other healers in the game

Other great healers in the game (Image via HoYoverse)
Other great healers in the game (Image via HoYoverse)

Although Kuki Shinobu is the first Electro healer in the game, her healing is not game-changing, especially since she's a 4-star character. Other similar characters, like Barbara and Kokomi, can do an even better job as a healer.

2) Low damage output

The output of Electro supports is more damage-focused than utility-focused in Genshin Impact. Beidou has incredible AoE lightning bolts, Fischl's Oz has tremendous single-target damage, and Raiden Shogun deals enormous burst DPS. Even after lots of investment, Shinobu's damage output is quite weak compared to other Electro supports.

3) Kuki Shinobu in Arataki Itto banner

Currently, Kuki Shinobu can only be obtained in the Arataki Itto rerun banner, along with Gorou and Chongyun. Although Itto is a great Geo DPS, there are still players who want to save their pity and Primogems for the next 5-star characters. Hitting pity and getting the Oni might ruin their chances of getting their favorite character who might get a rerun banner in the future version.

Kuki Shinobu is an optional choice for all players, as she is not a game-changing character in Genshin Impact. If Travelers are willing to use Primogems in the Itto banner, they are more than allowed to wish for the deputy of the Arataki Itto gang and reunite her with the leader again.