Top 5 best tips to win more in Mobile Legends Bang Bang (March 2023)

5 best tips to help you win more in Mobile Legends Bang Bang (Imagde via Google Play)
5 best tips to help you win more in Mobile Legends Bang Bang (Imagde via Google Play)

Mobile Legends Bang Bang is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game launched in 2016. Notably, the title has acquired a great fanbase in south-east Asia. However, apart from the tutorial, beginners are pretty much on their own in the game. There is very little information for MOBA beginners on how to be an MLBB pro. Mobile Legends Bang Bang has a 10-second matchmaking process with each bout lasting only ten minutes.

Two teams with five on each will compete in a traditional battle arena. Furthermore, there are three lanes on the map.

5 best tips to help you win more in Mobile Legends Bang Bang

Mobile Legends Bang Bang has a varied library of characters with different in-game roles. However, you can't pay to play, train, or level up your heroes. If you have the skills, you will succeed in the game. Here are the top five tips you need to keep winning more in MLBB.

5) Understand the lanes


Players will get three minion lanes in Mobile Legends Bang Bang. There weren't many differences between these lanes. However, players can now associate different lanes with various resources. However, the mid-range stays the same, the top range is Gold Lane and the bottom range is EXP Lane.

Characters in different roles will have specific advantages in various lanes. These lanes are divided by a forest that is great for those who like to ambush.

4) Know Your Role


The characters of Mobile Legends Bang Bang are divided into various roles. Some are great warriors, while others are perfect for long-range or have healing abilities. Different roles work best in different lanes.

  • Mages are built for the middle lane in the game. They can help in both the top and bottom lanes this way.
  • Fighters and the EXP Lanes go hand-in-hand. This helps them level up quickly.
  • Marksmen characters will need the Gold Lane as they rely on their equipment the most.
  • Assassins are for ambushing. they always prefer the forests as they have plenty of space to work with.
  • Tanks and support roam around the map and are always present when teammates need backup.

Make sure you understand your role in the game. If you know your role and the lane to choose from, your team will have a huge advantage against your opponents.

3) The Turtle and The Lord


Players will encounter two huge monsters in Mobile Legends Bang Bang. If you know their uses, these monsters can help you win more matches in MLBB.

  • The turtle appears only after three minutes post-game and disappears after seven minutes. Killing the turtle will help the killer get the extra powers of the title.
  • The Lord on the other hand when you kill him will fight from your side. This monster appears only after nine minutes.

Killing these monsters is not easy, especially not for beginners. You can invite your teammates, especially when you are fighting the Lord for obvious reasons.

2) Never underestimate the equipment combo


There is not much equipment to use in Mobile Legends Bang Bang when you compare it with other MOBAs. However, the few they have can form great combos that will help you finish off your opponents soon enough. For example, here are two weapons.

  • Cloak of destiny will increase the maximum Mana of the player's character.
  • Lightning Truncheon is another great combo that can help you to scale with the maximum Mana of your hero.

If you can combine these weapons, a mage hero can kill other heroes with one hit because of the damage brought by the lightning truncheon. There are a lot of different possibilities for combo weapons as well.

1) Utilize the skills of your hero properly


Utilize the training ground to get to know your heroes properly. These are the capabilities of different heroes written in the game. However, you can also use the training ground to get some practice.

Some of the characters in the game have lock-on skills. this means you don't have to aim for opponents to hit them. However, some will need the players to strategically aim their shots at specific places to ensure the most damage.