Top 5 tips to improve at Oddball in Halo Infinite

Oddball is one of the most fun game modes to play right now (Image via Halo Infinite)
Oddball is one of the most fun game modes to play right now (Image via Halo Infinite)

Halo Infinite has a wide range of game modes that players can enjoy.

However, among them, Oddball is probably one of the most fun to play. This mode is very unique and has something that does not exist in most competitive shooters.

The problem is that Oddball also requires a lot of team coordination that does not exist amongst solo players. Therefore, most Oddball matches are one-sided where one team stomps over the opposition by a huge margin.


A brief guide to Oddball in Halo Infinite

Oddball is a mode where players need to get hold of an object shaped like a human skull and keep it in their possession. However, for the sake of simplicity, it will be referred to as a ball. The team in control of the ball will keep gaining points. The round will last until one of the outfits is able to gather 100 points.

As soon as the ball is dropped, the point calculation stops and will resume only after someone picks it up. The spawn location of the ball, and the person who holds it are displayed by a marker on the map.

Therefore, there is no sneaking around with the objective. The players need to fight it out fair and square whilst keeping the ball in position until they win two rounds in total.

The problem is that, usually one player will keep the ball and try to run from the enemy, while the others will spread out to find kills. This leaves the ball holder exposed as one cannot use a gun with the ball in hand.

5 Tips to win in Oddball

1) Cover the ball holder

Protecting the ball holder should be priority in Oddball (Image via Halo Infinite)
Protecting the ball holder should be priority in Oddball (Image via Halo Infinite)

Running around to get kills is not going to help in any scenario, while an ally has the ball under their control. Leaving the ball holder alone will always lead to the enemy getting control over the objective.

2) Jump off the map if necessary

Jumping off the map if cornered is a nice strategy that can waste time for the enemy (Image via Halo Infinite)
Jumping off the map if cornered is a nice strategy that can waste time for the enemy (Image via Halo Infinite)

It is always better to jump off the map with the ball rather than giving away the objective. There will always be a situation where the ball holder will get cornered. In such scenarios, if possible, jumping off the map can often help to waste a lot of time for the enemy. Obviously, this is not possible on all maps.

3) Try flanking the enemy after death

Try flanking the enemy after death, rather than rushing blindly into objective (Image via Halo Infinite)
Try flanking the enemy after death, rather than rushing blindly into objective (Image via Halo Infinite)

If someone is protecting the ally ball holder and ends up dying, then it is better to flank the enemy to clean up, rather than rushing to kill the enemy ball holder. This is because, rushing towards the enemy ball holder blindly will result in a death in all probability.

Instead, if they clean up the ones protecting the objective, then they will get to have more time on the ball for themselves.

4) Try communicating

Using the voice chat can help convert a lot of loses in Oddball to wins (Image via Halo Infinite)
Using the voice chat can help convert a lot of loses in Oddball to wins (Image via Halo Infinite)

Halo Infinite has the option to use voice chat. It is always better for someone to open up the microphone and lead the team, rather than everyone doing their own thing. This helps in team harmony and creates a fun experience for everyone.

5) Control power weapons and other tools

Controlling power weapons and tools like the overshield are beneficial (Image via Halo Infinite)
Controlling power weapons and tools like the overshield are beneficial (Image via Halo Infinite)

Power weapons can easily help to clean up the enemy team, while tools like overshield can help to protect the objective carrier longer. Therefore, communicating with the team and controlling both the power weapons as well as the necessary tools are crucial in grabbing more Oddball wins in Halo Infinite.

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