10 most unique planets you need to visit first in Starfield

Unique planets
Neon City makes Volii Alpha one of the unique planets in Starfield (Image via Bethesda)

Starfield is a role-playing game that allows you to explore unique planets not only in our solar system but also beyond its borders. The title's recreation of more than a thousand worlds with their respective moons, climates, and peculiarities makes it perfect for curious individuals who want to learn more about astronomy and interact with various civilizations, climates, and species.

Despite the wide variety of planets in Starfield, some are merely decorative and add little to the plot. Others, such as Mars, are the center of much of the game's action and one of the places with the most human settlements. If you want to know about planets that are not only important for the plot but also unique, here are ten suggestions.

Note: This list is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer

Most unique planets you need to visit first in Starfield

1) Jemison

Jemison is one of the unique planets in Starfield (Image via Bethesda)
Jemison is one of the unique planets in Starfield (Image via Bethesda)

Jemison is one of the most important places in the Starfield plot. It is on this list of unique planets because of its special city, New Atlantis, and the vast amount of resources that can be found there. It is also the headquarters of the game's main faction.

Jemison contains places of interest such as The Lodge, where you can find items such as the Infinite Space Chest and several crafting workbenches. You can also find resources such as argon, water, and lead. It is located in the Alpha Centauri system.

2) Akila

Not only among the unique planets but also a dangerous one, Akila is the home of the Ashta creatures (Image via Bethesda)
Not only among the unique planets but also a dangerous one, Akila is the home of the Ashta creatures (Image via Bethesda)

One of the most important cities in Starfield is located in Akila, one of the unique planets in the game.

Akila is also the headquarters of the FreeStar Collective faction. There are other places of interest on this planet, such as the city of New Atlantis, which is important for its trading sites.

Akila is located in the Cheyenne System. It has extensive natural resources such as aluminum, argon, and benzene. The planet is inhabited by predators called Ashta, who attack humans.

3) Procyon III

This planet is the location of one of the artifacts (Image via Bethesda)
This planet is the location of one of the artifacts (Image via Bethesda)

Procyon III is one of the unique planets you can visit in Starfield. Located in the Procyon A system, it is a must-visit point on the Constellation faction missions. This location contains one of the temples associated with the cosmic artifacts the protagonist must collect.

In addition to a temple for obtaining powers, Procyon III has a varied fauna. There are a dozen species of animals, one of the most interesting being the Coralheart Hervibore, a tiny creature that is rarely seen. The planet also offers resources, such as tetrafluorides, argon, and several species of flora.

4) Nesoi

Nesoi is among the unique planets of Olympus System (Image via Bethesda)
Nesoi is among the unique planets of Olympus System (Image via Bethesda)

Nesoi is another unique planet in Starfield. With a life-friendly atmosphere, this place is full of good resources to collect. It also has two highly recommended places to visit: The Almagest and the Dream House.

The Almagest is an abandoned space station that used to be a casino, so you will find plenty of resources to loot, like credits. The Dream Home is a luxury home that will appear to those who have chosen the Dream Home as one of their traits. Nesoi is located in the Olympus Star System.

5) Earth

Earth's story is intriguing for most players (Image via Bethesda)
Earth's story is intriguing for most players (Image via Bethesda)

Earth is one of the most unique planets in Starfield, not because of its resources or sights but because of what it represents. In the game, our planet is a barren place, the victim of a catastrophe that has rendered it uninhabitable.

Once the cradle of human civilization, in the title, Earth is a desert-like planet with resources such as lead, chlorine, and lead. There are also remnants of civilization, such as a NASA laboratory, London, and the Pyramids of Giza.

6) Niira

On this planet, there are human abandoned facilities (Image via Bethesda)
On this planet, there are human abandoned facilities (Image via Bethesda)

Located in the Narion system, Niira is another one of the unique planets in the Starfield. It is an excellent place to explore and gather resources. Some of its most important locations include the Muybridge Pharmaceutical Laboratory and the Gravity Farm.

Both offer access to various abandoned resources, such as credits and ammunition. Benzene, argon, and fluorine liquids are also abundant in Niira.

7) Volii Alpha

Neon City is located in Volii Alpha (Image via Bethesda)
Neon City is located in Volii Alpha (Image via Bethesda)

"A platform in the middle of the ocean with an entire city inside": This could be a description of how impressive one of the unique planets in Starfield, Volii Alpha, is.

This planet is home to Neon, known as the City of Pleasure. It is a place full of light, where drugs are legal, and the trade in the hallucinogen Aurora is very common. Neon is probably one of the most corrupt cities in the human settlements.

Volii Alpha is located in the Volii system and has several interesting resources, such as benzene and water.

8) Titan

Titan is in the Sol system (Image via Bethesda)
Titan is in the Sol system (Image via Bethesda)

Titan, near the planet Saturn, is another unique location in Starfield. Here you'll find a good ship parts shop, which will help you improve your ship and earn credits by selling parts you don't need.

There's also a museum on Titan that tells various stories about mankind, and you can access some secondary missions that will give you rewards. Resources on Titan include water, lead, and titanium.

9) Gagarin

Among the unique planets in Starfield, Gagarin has an impressive wildlife (Image via Bethesda)
Among the unique planets in Starfield, Gagarin has an impressive wildlife (Image via Bethesda)

Among the unique planets in Starfield, Gagarin is a very special one. Its name pays tribute to cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin, the first man in history to travel into space.

One of its highlights is that, although it has no known cities, it is on the threshold of habitability, with an atmosphere favorable to life. This is why you will find eight species of fauna and five species of flora on this site. The planet also offers resources like tungsten, titanium, and lead.

10) Kreet

On Kreet, your character learns how to scan resources (Image via Bethesda)
On Kreet, your character learns how to scan resources (Image via Bethesda)

Although it is one of the first places you encounter in Starfield, Kreet is among the most unique planets in the game. It is the place where your character learns some basic skills, like scanning.

Kreet has three different biomes, each of which is home to different species of flora and fauna. It also has eight natural resources, including argon, water, and lead. Besides, the planet has a research lab where you can loot and get some goods to sell.

Although Starfield has many main and side quests, its open-world map is a good opportunity to choose your path. Discovering all these planets could be a fun approach to the game.

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