Unused primary weapons to get a huge buff in PvP during Destiny 2 Season 17

Destiny 2 PvP meta might change again with the upcoming tweaks (Image via Bungie)
Destiny 2 PvP meta might change again with the upcoming tweaks (Image via Bungie)

Destiny 2 mainly revolves around three ammunition types when it comes to a player's inventory. They are primary, special, and heavy. Bungie recently "buffed" the primary ammo-carrying weapon by granting everyone infinite ammunition. Now players won't have to look for a white brick on the ground or stress about the ammo economy when it comes to primary weapons.

However, a few archetypes have been underperforming in PvP for quite a long time. While some have been completely forgotten due to their underwhelming results, others have use only in rare situations. In a recent TWAB (This Week at Bungie), Bungie announced buffs to a few primary archetypes in the game.

Several underused primary archetypes to get buffed in the latter parts of Destiny 2 Season 17

Primary weapons, as the words suggest, are indeed the primary feature when it comes to fights in PvP. With nerfs in Shotguns and special weapons in general, players have adapted quite well to the meta. However, Destiny 2 is an enormous game consisting of over thousands of weapons to choose from.

One of the most viable factors usually taken into account before choosing a weapon is its archetype. Each weapon comes in several archetypes that vary in damage output, range, stability, handling, and aim-assists. Some of the most popular archetypes in the Crucible are as follows:

  • Adaptive and Aggressive Framed Hand Cannons
  • Adaptive Auto Rifles
  • Rapid Fire Framed Scout Rifles

The following are the changes for all the primary weapon types that Bungie will be implementing in the latter parts of Season 17.

Hand Cannons

Posterity Precision Framed Hand Cannon (Image via Bungie)
Posterity Precision Framed Hand Cannon (Image via Bungie)
  • Precision (180 RPM) Hand Cannons have languished for quite a while, and their time to kill in PvP has been softened.
  • Increased body shot damage from 37 to 40, crit moves from 57 to 60.
  • Can now kill in 2 crit 2 body against Guardians, kills in 1.33s in body shots.

Auto Rifles

Firefright Precision Auto Rifle (Image via Destiny 2)
Firefright Precision Auto Rifle (Image via Destiny 2)
  • Precision (450 RPM) Auto Rifles have fallen behind other AR subfamilies, partly because they were more reliant on hitting a higher proportion of crits to reach their optimal time to kill.
  • Increased body shot damage from 19 to 20, precision multiplier moves from 1.6 to 1.5 (crit damage stays the same at 30).

Scout Rifles

Hung Jury SR4 Precision Framed Scout Rifle (Image via Destiny 2)
Hung Jury SR4 Precision Framed Scout Rifle (Image via Destiny 2)
  • Precision (180 RPM): Increased body damage from 34 to 38, crit moves from 54.4 to 60.8.
  • Can 2 crit 2 body against 197 HP (health + shields) or lower, kills in 1.33s in body shots against 190 HP or lower, 1.67s against higher resiliences.
  • High Impact (150 RPM). Increased body damage from 38.2 to 42, crit moves from 66.9 to 73.5.
  • Can 2 crit 1 body against 189 HP or lower, kills in 1.60s in body shots.

In terms of special ammo, pallet Shotguns will have their damage increased in PvE from 10% to 25%.

Disclaimer: The points mentioned in this article are based on Bungie's official website.

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