Valorant PBE patch notes 8.03: Chamber updates, esports features, and more

Chamber in Valorant
Chamber in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

The Valorant PBE patch notes 8.03 have revealed a few changes being tested for the game's live version. Riot Games' mega thread shows that Chamber will receive some positive tweaks. The Agent has suffered a fall in his pick rate ever since his kit was tweaked. With the nerfs to his Headhunter and even Tour De Force, players began opting for other Sentinels. However, the new alterations are likely to make him viable and effective in the right hands.

This article lists the Valorant PBE patch notes 8.03 as released on February 9, 2024.

Valorant PBE patch notes 8.03 for 2/9/2024 (February 9)

The PBE platform for Valorant will close on February 12, 2024, at 12 pm PT. As evident from the developer comments, this patch is targeted towards improving and buffing Chamber to a point where he is a viable pick in the game.

Here are the official PBE patch notes 8.03:



Continuing with our recent focus on sharpening the strengths and weaknesses of the Sentinel role, this update aims to push Chamber’s ability to hold territory with his unique arsenal of weapons. The changes should provide you more access to the Headhunter (Q) as a save or sidearm without draining your econ and increase the clear strength of Chamber’s ultimate compared to the Operator.

  • Headhunter (Q): Price decreased 150 >>> 100
  • Tour De Force (X): Firing rate increased 0.7 >>> 0.9

All esports features updates in the PBE patch notes 8.03

Teams Tab

  • We’ve added previews of each Team’s Capsule Bundle.
  • You can grab the bundle and support your favorite team from within Esports Hub.

All implemented bug fixes for the PBE update


  • Fixed an issue where in the end-of-game summary, kills per round were incorrectly rounding up.

All known issues in Valorant's PBE patch


  • Sometimes, Standings do not default to your Division.

For more articles related to the game, check out the links below:

Scales of Fortune Event Pass || Xerofang bundle || Patch 8.02 release notes

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