What is dog food used for in Ghostwire: Tokyo?

Ghostwire: Tokyo is filled with stray animals (Image via Tango Gameworks)
Ghostwire: Tokyo is filled with stray animals (Image via Tango Gameworks)

There is plenty of dog food for players to find throughout Tokyo in Ghostwire: Tokyo.

In some games, players might take to eating the dog food themselves. It's suitable in an apocalyptic scenario, but Ghostwire: Tokyo doesn't feature that environment.

Instead, leave the dog food for the dogs. Feeding dogs with dog food found throughout the game will cause them to provide rewards and even lead players to hidden areas.


What to do with dog food in Ghostwire: Tokyo

There are dogs and cats everywhere in Tokyo. With most humans having vanished, these household pets are left without owners to roam the streets and fend for themselves.

Thankfully, the players can help them survive and get something in return for their troubles. Here is what players should do with dog food when they find it in the game:

  • Reach Chapter 2 of the story
  • Unlock Spectral Vision
  • Find dog food
  • Use Spectral Vision in the presence of a dog
  • Approach the dog and read its thoughts
  • If hungry, offer them the dog food
  • Watch them eat and wait
A look at one of the several dogs roaming around Tokyo (Image via Tango Gameworks)
A look at one of the several dogs roaming around Tokyo (Image via Tango Gameworks)

Be sure to stick around after feeding the dogs in Ghostwire: Tokyo. They need to eat and finish their meal before they are satisfied and want to help the player on their journey.

The dog will reward players after they are fed. They can give a bit of money, point players in the right direction of a valuable item or objective, and even lead them to hidden paths that might have gone completely missed.

Players should collect as much dog food as possible and feed every dog that crosses their path. It will open up areas and allow players to discover things they might not have found on their own.

How to use Spectral Vision

A player uses Spectral Vision (Image via Tango Gameworks)
A player uses Spectral Vision (Image via Tango Gameworks)

If players have unlocked the Spectral Vision ability and wonder how to use it to interact with dogs in Ghostwire: Tokyo, it isn't too difficult to figure out. It is as simple as pressing the Square button.

This brings out Akito's hand, and he drops an orange line into the ground to reveal the surrounding area. It not only highlights vital items nearby or shows enemy positions but reveals any dogs or cats.

It can also be used to find dog food in the first place, highlighting food items on the ground. When food is gathered, find a dog and press Square to see if it is hungry and can be fed.

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