What is Grievous Wounds in League of Legends and how it works in Season 12

A deep dive into Grievous Wounds in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)
A deep dive into Grievous Wounds in League of Legends (Image via Riot Games)

Grievous Wounds is arguably one of the most essential mechanics that currently exists within League of Legends. Basically, it is a debuff that allows players to reduce all forms of healing when applied to enemies.

This is one of the most critical debuffs available in the entire game as it is one of the key counters to champions like Darius, Irelia, Renekton, Sylas, and Mundo, among others. Therefore, Grievous Wounds and the way it impacts the game in Season 12 will be discussed in this article in great detail.


This discussion will include a list of items and skills that can inflict Grievous Wounds and the exact amount by which it is done. Besides that, a minor section has also been made on how to use it effectively within the game.

An in-depth discussion on Grievous Wounds in League of Legends season 12

As mentioned previously, Grievous Wounds is basically a debuff that reduces healing within League of Legends. The reduction can range anywhere between 25% to 40%, depending on the exact source.

As of now, a few champion skills as well as certain items can apply Grievous Wounds to enemies. Therefore, depending on what players are facing against in League of Legends, they can make the decision to counter-pick or itemize accordingly.

However, a crucial point to consider is that Grievous Wounds only affects champions when they are in combat. This is mainly because the duration of the debuff is rather low. Therefore, champions who gain sustainability out of combat, such as Garen and Tahm Kench, are not significantly affected by Grievous Wounds.

Lastly, it is important to clarify that Grievous Wounds also works on healing that comes from outside sources. For instance, champions like Soraka can consistently heal their allies, but if the Grievous Wounds is applied to a target that Soraka is trying to heal, then the effectiveness of that healing is reduced considerably.

In any case, it is now important to provide a list of all the items and champions that can inflict Grievous Wounds.

Champions and Items that inflict Grievous Wounds including the percentage in League of Legends

The different Champion skills that inflict Grievous Wounds are as follows:

  • Katarina (40%)
  • Kled (40%)
  • Singed (25%)
  • Varus (25%)

The various items that inflict Grievous Wounds include:

  • Bramble Vest (25%)
  • Chempunk Chainsword (25%/40%)
  • Chemtech Putrifier (25%/40%)
  • Executioner's Calling (25%)
  • Morellonomicon (25%/40%)
  • Mortal Reminder (25%/40%)
  • Oblivion Orb (25%)
  • Thornmail (25%/40%)

The Summoner Spells that inflict Grievous Wounds are:

  • Ignite (40%)

In case League of Legends players are confused regarding the numbers, 25% is basically considered as normal Grievous Wounds, while 40% stands for enhanced Grievous Wounds.

Now, as was previously discussed briefly, champions that obtain healing through skills like Darius (Decimate), Renekton (Cull the Meek), and Sylas (Kingslayer) are weakened by Grievous Wounds. Champions who have burst healing such as Aatrox, Fiora, Mundo, Swain, Vladimir, Warwick, Zac and others also suffer when Grievous Wounds is inflicted on them.

Lastly, items such as Bloodthirster, Ravenous Hydra, and runes such as Conqueror and Legend: Bloodline are also affected by the debuff of Grievous Wounds.

For further clarification, the table below can help players get an idea on the kinds of things that Grievous Wounds will be effective towards within League of Legends:

Healing TypeGrievous Wounds (Yes/No)
Health RegenerationYes
Life StealYes
Omnivamp Yes
Physical VampYes
Drain EffectsYes
Self healsYes
Self shieldsNo
Incoming HealsYes
Incoming shieldsNo
Outgoing healsNo
Outgoing shieldsNo

Despite all this, rushing into Grievous Wounds while in the lane can often be a bad decision within League of Legends. This is because, if there is a Vladimir in the lane or a Warwick, once players inflict Grievous Wounds, the champion will simply avoid combat for a short period of time and then return.

Therefore, the healing reduction that was inflicted will not bear enough fruit. Apart from that, a 40% healing reduction means that the champion can still heal for 60%. Considering the amount of healing that Aatrox, Vladimir, and Warwick have, rushing an item such as Morellonomicon for the laning phase could be a waste of money.

It is also a waste to build anti-healing in the lane if players are facing someone like Soraka in the lane. The Grievous Wounds debuff is very short, and Soraka can just spam heal consistently as long as she has health and mana in her store.

Therefore, skipping a powerful Mythic item for a healing reduction based item is always a bad choice. These items are only useful if players are trying to go all out in the lane or in the late-game, where fully fledged teamfights take place in League of Legends.

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