What is the role of the vivarium in the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy

How will the vivariums play out in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via Sportskeeda)
How will the vivariums play out in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via Sportskeeda)

WB Games' Avalanche is trying to provide a Hogwarts experience like never before in their upcoming RPG, Hogwarts Legacy. The title will take players into the wizarding world of 1890 where they will enroll in the iconic school of wizardry and witchcraft as a fifth-year student. They will be able to "explore the castle famous for its secrets, enchantments and mysteries."


In the game, the Hogwarts castke will have challenging puzzles to solve, dungeons, and secret passageways to find. So, it is of no surprise that one of the most intriguing locations in the school is making an appearance in Hogwarts Legacy. The Room of Requirement will play an integral role in the playthrough, containing a vivarium among many things.

Hogwarts Legacy will provide players with vivariums in the Room of Requirement for their magical beasts

The developers have emphasized the importance of magical beasts in Hogwarts Legacy ever since the reveal trailer was released back in 2020. Interestingly, players will get to interact with a plethora of these creatures and even tame them at times. For that cause, the game will have vivariums for players to keep them in.

A vivarium is an enclosure where players would be able to keep the animals in somewhat natural conditions, while also having the option to interact with them. These magical structures are housed within the Room of Requirement in-game.

The Room of Requirement, also known as the Come and Go Room, is a semi-sentient secret room within the castle that only reveals itself when a person is in great need of it. Given the various iconic adventures that happened in the Room during the original saga, players were hoping that the room would feature in Hogwarts Legacy.

Fortunately, the gameplay reveal video last month showcased that the room will act as the player's base during their time in Hogwarts, helping them to "sow and harvest plants, brew potions, and upgrade gear." The room will also have a helpful house-elf, who will help the player "discover vivariums that allow [the player] to nurture [their] own menagerie of magical beasts."

A look inside the vivarium (Image via Hogwarts Legacy)
A look inside the vivarium (Image via Hogwarts Legacy)

Additionally, this space is customizable and players can tweak it to reflect their own preferences and magical abilities using moonstones. There is also a mechanic called the "Conjuration Budget," which will indicate "the total number of items that can be conjured."

Some of the wild creatures found beyond the walls of the castle are at risk from poachers and their traps. This means that players can rescue them and then restore them to full health in the Room of Requirement. This can also tie into the option of taming, mounting, and riding some of the magical beasts in-game.

A recent tweet from the official Hogwarts Legacy Twitter handle showcased the sanctuary within the Room of Requirement. Eagle-eyed fans may have noticed a number of familiar magical beasts, including a hippogriff and a phoenix.

Fans have been eagerly waiting for the wizarding world RPG for quite some time now, ever since a gameplay leak indicated towards the existence of the title. They are excited to see how accurately Avalanche is bringing the magical world of the Potterverse to life, while reimagining some elements as required.

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