When does Ahri's ASU release in League of Legends Season 13?

Ahri is one of the most famous League of Legends champion (Image via Riot Games)
Ahri is one of the most famous League of Legends champion (Image via Riot Games)

Ahri's ASU (Art and Sustainable Update) information is slowly trickling out, as her ASU is now available on the League of Legends PBE server. Details about her release are emerging as fans gain access to her on the PBE servers.


In this recently released video by SkinSpotlights, fans can see all the Ahri ASU skins and their animations as it showcases several tweaks to her animations, models, and VFX.

With the video being over six minutes, we can see how she is one of the most beloved champions in the game, as she has managed to get skins consistently over the years due to a large player base.

Which skins are getting updated in League of Legends Ahri ASU?

Including her classic skin, almost seventeen Ahri skins are getting updated in League of Legends Ahri ASU. They are as follows:

1) Classic Ahri

Skin Category - Base

Skin Price - N/A

2) Dynasty Ahri

Skin Category - Regular

Skin Price - 975 RP

3) Midnight Ahri

Skin Category - Regular

Skin Price - 750 RP

4) Foxfire Ahri

Skin Category - Regular

Skin Price - 975 RP

5) Popstar Ahri

Skin Category - Regular

Skin Price - 975 RP

6) Challenger Ahri

Skin Category - Legacy

Skin Price - 975 RP

7) Academy Ahri

Skin Category - Regular

Skin Price- 750 RP

8) Arcade Ahri

Skin Category - Regular

Skin Price - 750 RP

9) Star-Guardian Ahri

Skin Category - Legendary

Skin Price - 1820 RP

10) K/DA Ahri

Skin Category - Epic

Skin Price - 1350 RP

11) Elderwood Ahri

Skin Category - Epic

Skin Price - 1350 RP

12) Spirit Blossom Ahri

Skin Category - Legendary

Skin Price - 1820 RP

13) K/DA ALL OUT Ahri

Skin Category - Legendary

Skin Price - 1820 RP

14) Coven Ahri

Skin Category - Epic

Skin Price - 1350 RP

15) Arcana Ahri

Skin Category - Epic

Skin Price - 1350 RP

16) Prestige K/DA Ahri

Skin Category - Mythic

Skin Price - 100 Prestige Tokens

17) 2022 Prestige K/DA Ahri

Skin Category - Mythic

Skin Price - N/A


For a more in-depth review of Ahri ASU Skins, splash art updates, ability breakdowns, and ability icons, fans can check out this article.

In League of Legends, ASU is a visual refresh that allows us to bring a champion up to date. On the other hand, a champion rework is an update that focuses on the gameplay and visual aspects, or both in some cases.

Rework/ASU/VGUs are mostly aimed at veteran champions that have been around since the start of League of Legends Season 1. Some reworks are extensive, while others focus on the champion's visuals.

Champions like Volibear, Fiddlesticks, Mundo, and Udyr have all received a rework to adjust their kits per the ever-evolving state of League of Legends. But Ahri isn't the only champion to get a VGU/ASU change in 2023.

Next is Aurelion Sol's rework, where he gets a full rework. The rework is expected to be live on League of Legends Season 13, patch 13.3, which is expected to be around February 2023.


When is the release date for Ahri ASU?

Based on the in-game client information through PBE, Ahri's release date appears to be January 24, 2023. This is when League of Legends Season 13 patch 13.2 will be live.

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