“When will my suffering end”: Pewdiepie’s 100 million subscribers billboard from 3 years ago has this user bored

Pewdiepie hit 100 million subs three years ago, but it still haunts this Twitter user (Image fogiibear/Twitter)
Pewdiepie hit 100 million subs three years ago, but it still haunts this Twitter user (Image fogiibear/Twitter)

Back in 2019, Felix "Pewdiepie" hit 100 million subscribers on YouTube, and GFuel put up a billboard to celebrate this milestone. While it is a monumental achievement, at least one Twitter user is bored of seeing it every single day on their way home from the gym.

A Twitch streamer named Fogibear vented their frustration on Twitter, leading to many replies about the continued celebration of Pewdiepie.

GFuel’s celebration of Pewdiepie continues on after three years, frustrating social media

On November 4, 2019, Pewdiepie’s 100M subs on YouTube were heralded by a pair of billboards in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It’s not uncommon to see major streamers have billboards to advertise themselves, but this was done by a sponsor of Pewdiepie.

Despite this happening three years ago, the billboard in question continues to torment this Twitter user every day as they walk home from the gym and would be reminded of Felix. One responder was shocked that it was still up and asked why since billboards are expensive.

The original poster's speculation was that it was likely nobody wanted to buy the billboard spot, so it could just be sitting in limbo. This, or someone, is keeping the billboard alive because they’re a mega-fan of the YouTuber.

However, not everyone agrees with Fogibear’s take on this, with some fans loving this being on their timeline.

Twitter’s reaction to the Pewdiepie billboard still existing is mixed

As of one of the biggest influencers on the planet, any time the YouTuber is brought up, the reaction is going to be mixed. He is known to be a fairly polarizing content creator on YouTube. Some Twitter users offered their condolences or talked about this in a decidedly negative light.

Another Twitter user looked at this like the “Hello, Fellow Kids” meme in that it is cringe-inducing. Another opinion was that it was hilarious, with one Twitter user loving that this showed up on their feed.

In reference to the Twitch streamer’s suffering finally ending and the billboard being removed, quite a few social media users hoped that it would never be removed. Others saw the billboard still being there as a good thing.

One person’s opinion was also that it was cringe, which led to a “no one asked” response.

One user talked about Felix's retraction of the donation to ADL while wearing an Iron Cross. This led to a discussion about the people that run the ADL, and another who pointed out that the Iron Cross is still used in Germany to this day and is not a hate symbol.

According to one Twitter user, the Iron Cross is still used (Image via ZPritschau/Twitter)
According to one Twitter user, the Iron Cross is still used (Image via ZPritschau/Twitter)

Whatever the reason, the billboard will likely continue to torment at least one user on social media, with no end in sight. It has been three years, but GFuel still seems to be pretty excited about 100 million subscribers for the YouTuber.

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