Where to find all collectibles in Biomutant's Bricktown

Bricktown is an area that players can access fairly early into Biomutant (Image via THQ)
Bricktown is an area that players can access fairly early into Biomutant (Image via THQ)

Biomutant has many areas for players to explore, with each having a checklist of collectibles, and Bricktown is another place for everyone to visit. Luckily, the checklist in Bricktown isn't too extensive.

Bricktown is an area that players can access fairly early into Biomutant. It is located within the Whereabouts biome, where players begin their journey after completing the tutorial portion of the game.

There is one side quest that players can complete in the area, and then four collectibles to find in total. The collectibles within Bricktown include one Superb Loot and three separate Old World Gadgets.

Locations of all Superb Loot and Old World Gadgets within Biomutant's Bricktown


Players can choose to start wherever they would like when tackling the Bricktown area in Biomutant, but this guide will begin with the Superb Loot considering there is only one to worry about.

Superb Loot 1/1

Once in Bricktown, players should head towards the area's center and look for a building that has a blue hat on the outside. It sticks out and should be hard to miss as players move through the area.

After finding the blue hat, players need to head inside and look for the counter ahead, on the same floor. Behind the counter is a filing cabinet that is glowing gold.

Players can interact with it and collect the Superb Loot inside, which is typically some rare crafting material that they can use.

Old World Gadgets 1/3: Microwave

To make the process easier, gamers can look for a building that is directly next to the Superb Loot location. It is marked by a cow rather than a blue hat this time, and again, it sticks out.

They can head up the staircase and look for the kitchen. A microwave will be available to interact with, and players will need to use the dials to solve the puzzle on the gadget.

Also read: Biomutant: The full map and every biome

Old World Gadgets 2/3: Washing Machine

In the northeast section of Bricktown, users need to look for a laundromat to find the Washing Machine Old World Gadget.

Inside the building, the Washing Machine will be visible, and once again, they can turn the dials to solve the puzzle in Bricktown.

Old World Gadgets 3/3: Toilet

The indicator for the toilet building in Biomutant's Bricktown will be blue wallpaper on the interior. Players will find the entrance opposite the notice board underground.

They can follow a set of stairs like previous spots and look for a door that leads to the toilet. Users must then spin the valves and match the colors to solve the final Bricktown puzzle in Biomutant.

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