Will Warzone 2 feature a ranked mode? Reasons and possibilities explored

Warzone 2 ranked mode: All leaks so far (Image via Activision)
Warzone 2 ranked mode: All leaks so far (Image via Activision)

Warzone players have been asking for a ranked mode for the longest time. With the latest iteration of the title going strong, the community started echoing calls for the mode again.

SBMM (Skill-Based Matchmaking) has been a point of contention within the community. While some might say it is essential to maintain the quality of the gameplay, for others, it can be irritating. With SBMM being an existing feature in Warzone 2, many players have expressed the desire to experience a ranked mode where they would be matched based on their prowess.

Everything we know about Warzone 2's ranked mode so far

Introducing a ranked mode to a game gives players the purpose of going to the top of the leaderboard and grinding more. With Warzone 2 already applying SBMM to the game, sometimes the matchmaking can get tricky.

Players might face stronger opponents with each match, and you surely don't want to sweat all the time if you hop in for some casual fun.


With a ranked mode, players can choose their purpose in the game and play the modes accordingly. Initial developer Infinity Ward and current developer Raven Software have not officially declared anything about the ranked mode. However, during the Call of Duty Next event on September 15, Infinity Ward's Director of Communications Stephanie Snowden stated,

“We’ve been listening to the conversations in the community, specifically about small maps, RICOCHET anti-cheat, Ranked Play, and beyond.”

Some insiders have also leaked information about the ranked mode multiple times. According to famous Call of Duty leaker TheGhostOfHope, the test for the ranked mode will be first introduced in the current Warzone to ensure correct implementation.

Furthermore, streamer and content creator Tyler "TeeP" interviewed the game's Creative Lead, Josh Bridge, who stated that they are seriously thinking about the ranked mode and trying to do everything right.

As the details regarding the ranked mode are sparse, the exact dates are uncertain. However, with all the leaks and information coming to the surface, fans can speculate that it will arrive in Warzone 2 early next year.

Warzone 2's Season 1 Reloaded update was supposed to bring the leaderboard system, but it had to be postponed for some unknown reason. There is a chance that the developers will want to implement the ranked mode and the leaderboard together. However, this is a far-fetched idea, and everything is subject to change.

Hence, anyone waiting for the ranked mode to arrive must hold onto their hopes a bit longer. Activision is yet to announce anything officially. If the developers implement a ranked mode for Warzone 2, the same may also happen for Modern Warfare 2, which would be great news for fans who love multiplayer games.

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