Yuumi's latest nerfs in League of Legends patch 13.1b officially puts an end to the cat problem in professional play

Yuumi's nerfs in patch 13.1b has officially made her unplayable even in pro-play (Image via Riot Games)

Yuumi, the Magical Cat, is arguably one of the most obnoxious and annoying champions to play against in League of Legends. Yuumi's scaling, damage, and ability to lockdown champions are extremely annoying, especially in pro play, where players know how to make the most of her kit.

Therefore, alongside League of Legends patch 13.1b, the developers introduced a series of major nerfs to Yuumi. These nerfs will finally end Yuumi in pro-play, and she should disappear from the meta in the coming days.

However, this is not the end of Yuumi, as Riot Games has already announced that they will be reworking her kit. They have nerfed her to the ground so she can return as a much better champion post-rework.

Full details regarding Yuumi's nerfs in League of Legends patch 13.1b

The nerfs that Yuumi received in patch 13.1b of League of Legends are as follows:

Base Stats

  • Attack Range: 500 ⇒ 425
  • Base Attack Damage: 55 ⇒ 49
  • Base Health: 550 ⇒ 500
  • Base Health Regeneration: 7 ⇒ 5

Passive- Bop N Block

  • Attack Range: Yuumi will gain a 25 bonus bonus range when Bop N Block is ready for that attack only
  • Shield Strength: 60-380 (based on level) ⇒ 45-300 (based on level)

W- You and Me

  • Adaptive Force: 12-20 (+12-20% of bonus) ⇒ 12-20 (+6-10% of bonus)

E- Zoomies

  • Movement Speed: 20% (+2% per 100 AP) ⇒ 20% (Note: AP ratio was removed)

Therefore, it is safe to say that the nerfs will significantly impact Yuumi's presence in professional League of Legends. The nerfs to her base stats will significantly make it difficult for her to be useful in the lane.

Yuumi may be a strong champion, but her lane presence is useless. However, with these nerfs, her laning has been nerfed to the ground, and she is a minion.

Her nerfs do not end here, as her passive ability has also been significantly hit. Shield strength, especially when getting nerfed, is massive as the protection it used to provide in critical situations has been destroyed.

Her E-nerf is also substantial, as this skill enabled the deadly Yuumi-Sivir/Yuumi-Zeri combos. Unfortunately, Yuumi will no longer be able to provide the movement speed to those champions, which means those combos with Zeri and Sivir can be considered dead.

Thus, once this patch rolls around in pro-play, Yuumi will become a very situational and useless champion. It is important to clarify that Yuumi's dominance in the League of Legends solo queue was already nerfed in previous patches.

Despite that, she continues to be a menace in professional games. This patch only addresses the professional scene, though it also means that whatever presence she has left in the solo queue is gone for good.

The question then arises of what this means for Yuumi. This is not the end of the champion, as the developers have several things planned for her through the highly anticipated rework. The Cat may be gone for now, but she will return to a state that can be countered and is not obnoxious to deal with in the game.

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