10 photos in football explained with click-baiting titles

Football has been played all over the world for ages and ages, and along the way, we have witnessed some mesmerizing moments which have been etched into history for some or the other reason.Totally unrelated to this, catch-baiting or click-baiting titles have become the new internet rage. The use of catchy and shirt titles to explain something or the other has become so common these days that we see them almost every time we go on to the internet.So we decided to see how such click-baiting titles work when used to explain famous football moments from the yesteryears or even the current happenings all around the globe. Here are 10 photos in football in no particular order which are explained with click-baiting titles.

#1 It must been serious, no?

#2 Ronaldinho-fanboys incoming!

#3 Breakfast with Chiellini

#4 Germany\'s invasion of Brazil

#5 The (Football) Dress

#6 When Cristiano Ronaldo surprised a fan

#7 When adolescence is cruel

#8 The Bromance

#9 Two Sides Of A Coin

#10 Regretful Decision

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