Fortnite's Save The World is one of the most popular legacy modes of the game, with hundreds of thousands of users still battling hordes, finding tips to level up fast, and upgrading their homebase. This offers a unique experience as well as tons of XP that can help players level up their Battle Pass too. However, there are many ways to level up fast in Fortnite Save The World.
That said, we will list five ways to earn XP and level up fast in Fortnite Save the World.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the writer's opinions.
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Five ways to level up fast in Fortnite Save The World
1) Increasing your F.O.R.T stats with Research

One of the most important aspects of Save the World is increasing your character's F.O.R.T stats. F.O.R.T essentially stands for:
Fortitude - health and health regen
Offense - weapon damage
Resistance - shield and shield regen
Tech- concerned with abilities and special powers
Players should invest valuable research points in upgrading their FORT so that they can last longer in the matches and can sustain damage for longer periods without the risk of elimination. Upgrading FORT is one of the best things players can do in their quest to level up fast.
2) Completing the Collection Book

The Collection book is a place for players to collect and save characters, weapons, items, and other collectibles. Heroes, Schematics, Defenders, and Survivors can be collected for rewards in the Collection Book. By adding any of these to the Collection Book, the player can level up their book and receive increasingly valuable rewards.
Experience points are awarded for adding items to the Collection Book, which are determined by the item's type, level, and rarity. Additionally, Collection Book XP can be gained using the items that can be evolved and leveled up inside the Collection Book.
3) Completing the Survivor Squads

Survivor squads are essentially groups of survivors in Save the World that can grant boosts to a player's F.O.R.T stats. Every squad has one lead survivor and up to seven regular survivors. More survivor slots can be completed by finishing Storm Shield Defenses. There are a total of eight Survivor Squads in the game.
The eight Survivor Squads can be filled with the survivors that players gather throughout the game and two squads are assigned to each of the F.O.R.T components. The power level of the survivors in each Survivor Squad determines how many points that squad awards to the overall F.O.R.T stats. Upgrading these stats is the key to level up fast in Fortnite Save The World.
4) Use XP Boosters and run highest-level missions

One of the quickest ways to gain monumental amounts of XP to level up fast in Fortnite Save The World is to enable XP Boosters from the Command tab and then select the highest-level missions on the map.
This essentially increases the rate of XP earned from missions and quests and helps to easily progress. These XP Boosters work for a limited amount of time so players are encouraged to finish as many Storm Shield Defense or select one of the ATLAS quests to quickly earn XP from matches. Players can also complete the special mission-alerts to earn lots of XP's, and special rewards to level up faster.
5) Endurance Runs

Players can also build their bases perfectly to do endurance runs like the famous Canny Valley endurance run or the Twin Peaks endurance, which gives players millions of XP after a full run of 30 waves that takes players around 2.5 hours to complete.
These endurance runs provide a quick way to earn account XP to help level up fast and increase the account level. Another essential thing that players must look out for is completing all story quests and special modes which grant tons of XP rewards and boosters that can be used to progress and level up faster. These gameplays also contribute to XP players can earn in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 3
These are the five ways in which players can level up fast in Fortnite Save The World and claim the best rewards and loot out there. Save The World has become the choice for many players to easily earn Battle Pass XP to level up their Battle Pass this season. This comes after Fortnite seriously nerfed the amount of XP players can earn, making them seek alternate ways to look for XP.