What to expect from the Fortnite No Build mode in Chapter 3

Fortnite is about to insert a No-Build mode for players to explore (Image via YouTube/NitroLukeDX)
Fortnite is about to insert a No-Build mode for players to explore (Image via YouTube/NitroLukeDX)

For those wishing to return to an older, more classic version of Fortnite, a leaked limited-time mode will remove a key aspect from the game and force players to rely on the already-placed cover. The No-Build game mode for Fortnite could completely change the way things are done.

Building is the bread and butter for the majority of Fortnite gamers, as it's a tool that needs to be mastered to find a victory royale in most cases. With this game mode approaching, many players are wondering what exactly it will all look like.

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No Build mode in Fortnite will make players plan more carefully

Without building, creating a quick cover or climbing up to an enemy to get the drop on them won't be possible. For this mode, players will need to calculate their approaches with caution and might need to alter their landing/movement strategy.

Combat will change indefinitely since those caught out in the open will need to pray for survival. Sneaking around and having a better sense of the land will be essential.

Enemies who sneak up behind will have a much better chance of downing a player since dropping down a wall for safety isn't an option. Players will need to watch their backs much more frequently while keeping tabs on future cover spots.

Climbing up an incline to escape the storm won't be available either, meaning if a player needs to ascend to the high ground, they'll need to walk the long way around. Expect longer travel times, risky falls, and harder-to-reach chests.

Players in Fortnite's upcoming No-Build mode should have a completely different mindset when traversing throughout the match. Weapon and general loot spawns may change as well, for some chests and items require a player to build up or down to it.

Some players are flocking to the idea of this game mode and think that building is Fortnite's biggest issue. This mode could repair some damage done to older players and might attract more attention if it sticks around.

The Battle Bus is heading into Fortnite! Check out the final Fortnite item shop today!

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