Ajjubhai (Total Gaming) vs Gyan Sujan: Who has better Free Fire stats in June 2022?

Stats comparison of Ajjubhai vs Gyan Gaming in Free Fire (Image via Garena)
Stats comparison of Ajjubhai vs Gyan Gaming in Free Fire (Image via Garena)

Ajjubhai (Total Gaming) and Sujan Mistri (Gyan Sujan) are two of the most famous content creators in the Indian Free Fire community. They have a large following on YouTube and have managed to accrue great numbers in terms of both subscribers and view count.

When comparing their stats, Ajjubhai has more than 32.8 million subscribers and 5.835 billion views. Gyan Sujan, on the other hand, has over 14.2 million subscribers and 2.03 billion views on the Gaming by Gyan channel.

Note: Indian players should avoid playing Free Fire due to the government-imposed ban. They may play the MAX version instead, which was not on the list of prohibited applications.

Ajjubhai’s Free Fire ID and stats

Ajjubhai’s Free Fire ID is 451012596. The content creator's stats are:

Lifetime stats

Ajjubhai's lifetime stats (Image via Garena)
Ajjubhai's lifetime stats (Image via Garena)

Ajjubhai has engaged in 1034 solo matches in the game and has 93 victories, resulting in a win rate of 8.99%. In the process, the YouTuber has 2616 kills with a K/D ratio of 2.78.

He has 385 wins out of 1838 appearances in duo games, maintaining a win rate of 19.47%. He has accumulated 7314 kills for a K/D ratio of 4.94.

Total Gaming has played 12901 squad games and has won 3072 matches, holding a win rate of 23.80%. He has secured 49975 kills and upholds a K/D ratio of 5.08.

Ranked stats

Ajjubhai's ranked stats (Image via Garena)
Ajjubhai's ranked stats (Image via Garena)

The content creator has not played any ranked games in the current season of the Battle Royale mode.

Gyan Sujan’s Free Fire ID and stats

Gyan Sujan’s Free Fire ID is 70393167. His stats within the game are as follows:

Lifetime stats

Gyan Sujan's lifetime stats (Image via Garena)
Gyan Sujan's lifetime stats (Image via Garena)

Gyan Sujan has played 1451 solo games and has been victorious on 159 occasions, possessing a win rate of 10.95%. He has racked up 2382 kills, maintaining a K/D ratio of 1.84.

He has also competed in 2239 duo games and has secured 510 first-place finishes, resulting in a win rate of 22.77%. He has bagged 6108 kills with a K/D ratio of 3.53.

Gyan Gaming has participated in 19165 squad matches and has 6836 Booyahs, retaining a win rate of 35.66%. He has 68830 kills with a K/D ratio of 5.58.

Ranked stats

Gyan Sujan's ranked stats (Image via Garena)
Gyan Sujan's ranked stats (Image via Garena)

Gyan Sujan is yet to play any ranked solo, duo, or squad matches in the game’s current season.

Comparison: Ajjubhai vs Gyan Sujan

AjjubhaiGyan Sujan
Type of matchesSoloDuoSquadSoloDuoSquad
Number of matches10341838129011451223919165
Win rate8.99%19.47%23.80%10.95%22.77%35.66%
K/D ratio2.784.945.081.843.535.58

When comparing the stats of Ajjubhai and Gyan Sujan, we have to take into consideration their K/D ratio and win rate. When looking at lifetime stats, the latter has a better win rate in the duo and solo modes, but Ajjubhai has a better K/D ratio. However, Gyan Sujan has better stats in the lifetime squad matches.

At the time of writing, it is impossible to compare their ranked stats as Ajjubhai and Gyan Sujan have not played any games in the ongoing season.

Note: The stats of Ajjubhai and Gyna Sujan mentioned above are subject to change as they play more matches in Free Fire.

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