How to cancel Nintendo Switch Online subscription?

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Not using your NSO benefits? Hee's how to cancel it (Image via Nintendo)

The Nintendo Switch Online (NSO) subscription is the go-to premium service on the popular hybrid console. It grants you access to a variety of benefits. These range from multiple retro game catalogs to access to paid DLCs for no extra charge. However, you may wish to cancel your subscriptions for whatever reason. But how to do that?

It should be noted that the subscription operates on an auto-renewal basis. So it can be a tad confusing as to how to go about canceling it.

Here is how to cancel your Nintendo Switch Online subscription


To put it simply, you need to turn off auto-renewal. This way, you will not be charged for the upcoming month. There are a few ways this can be done:

Through the Nintendo Switch Online icon:

  1. Select the Nintendo Switch Online icon in the menu
  2. Select the profile to be used to log in. Ensure it is the same account that activated the subscription
  3. Select 'Membership Options and Support" at the bottom of the list on the left
  4. Then select "Change Membership." This takes the user to the Nintendo eShop.
  5. Here, select the user profile icon on the top right.
  6. This takes users to the Nintendo eShop, the primary hub for purchasing games, trying out demos, and more on the hybrid console.

Through user profiles from the menu:

  1. Select your profile on the top left of the home screen. If there are multiple accounts, select the one with the NSO subscription.
  2. Head down to and select User Settings from the left tab.
  3. On the right, scroll down to Nintendo Switch Online - Check Your Subscriptions.
  4. This opens the Nintendo eShop screen.


To cancel auto-renewal:

  1. Select the Nintendo Switch Online option under the Account Information tab in the Nintendo eShop. This displays the user's current subscription details, including the Expiration Date, Amount Due, and more.
  2. Select "Turn Off Automatic Renewal." This brings up another prompt asking users to confirm their choice.
  3. Select "Turn Off" to cancel your NSO subscription.

Nintendo recommends turning off auto-renewal at least 2 days before the membership expires. Users can also refer to the "Deadline to turn off automatic renewal" section under Account Information > Nintendo Switch Online to know the timeframe.

Note that there are a few caveats to bear in mind. For one, only the plan holder of a family plan can cancel the subscription. Other members cannot. Of course, once the subscription ends for the plan holder, it will be canceled for others too. But there's more.

What perks do users lose by canceling their subscriptions?

You cannot use the following features without a Nintendo Switch Online subscription:

  • Online multiplayer for paid games. Free-to-play multiplayer titles like Fortnite, Overwatch 2, Rocket League, and more can be enjoyed without a subscription.
  • Cloud save data for games.
  • A retro catalog featuring games from NES, SNES, and more.
  • Benefits like free trials, loyalty rewards, and more.

So, in a nutshell, the service is pretty much essential for dedicated Nintendo Switch users, especially those who wish to enjoy older games. Players will also be unable to get a refund for the remaining time in the month. So be sure to enjoy the perks of the subscription until it expires for the term.

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