6 Yin Yoga Poses to Reduce Stress and Anxiety Levels

beginning a yoga practice is one of the finest methods to deal with excessive stress at first. (Image via Unsplash/Benjamin Child)
beginning a yoga practice is one of the finest methods to deal with excessive stress at first. (Image via Unsplash/Benjamin Child)

Yin yoga involves deep stretches to increase flexibility and strengthen your joints and connective tissue. It's a peaceful, grounded practice. Yoga may seem to flow smoothly from one pose to the next, yet Yin yoga drastically slows things down.

We all rush from one thing to the next in today's fast-paced life, rarely finding time to unwind. This busy life makes stress inevitable, and the anxiety it causes is one of the most widespread mental ailments impacting people globally.

Over time, anxiety's root causes have evolved. In today's fast-paced society, uncertainty about practically everything in life leads to anxiety disorders.

People who are anxious often experience fatigue, emotional distress, melancholy, mood fluctuations, impatience and anger.

Calm Your Mind with Yin Yoga Poses

The body's reaction to stress is anxiety. We experience stress in a variety of ways. Stress lhas as many effects, which varies from person to person. However, starting a yoga practice is one of the finest ways to deal with excessive stress at first.

The gentle style of Yin Yoga emphasises holding positions for extended periods of time while doing fewer poses. Here's a look at six such poses:

1) Wide-legged child’s pose

You can direct your focus inward while relaxing with this type of yin yoga pose. Your inner thighs, hips and spine are stretched in the child's pose.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Start by getting down on your knees.
  • Spread your knees out to the sides, and touch your big toes together.
  • Lengthen your body along the floor while lowering your hips towards your feet.
  • Keep your arms extended in front.
  • As you exhale, allow yourself to settle deeper into the pose.
  • Hold the position for up to five minutes.

2) Supported fish pose

Your back, core and hip flexors become more flexible with this easy backbend. This yin yoga pose stimulates the communication-related throat chakra. With reference to love, emotions and compassion, it's sometimes referred to as a heart-opening pose.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Your legs should be out in front of you as you sit.
  • Establish an inclined support beginning at the base of your spine using cushions and blocks.
  • To relax on the support, gently sag back.
  • Allowing your head to droop back will help keep your neck in a neutral position.
  • Spend up to five minutes in this position.

3) Legs up the wall pose

Legs up the wall is a yin yoga pose by which energy levels are restored, circulation is improved and relaxation is encouraged.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Place your right side close to a wall while you sit.
  • Turn your back, and swing your legs up against the wall.
  • Put your hips up against or near the wall.
  • Put your hands on your chest, tummy or thighs, or raise your arms overhead or beside your body.
  • Up to 15 minutes should be spent in this position.

4) Wide leg standing forward fold

As it's more solid than a conventional narrow stance front fold and will let you to feel a stretch and comfort in your lower back, this variation of the forward fold is particularly calming for a yin yoga practice.


Here’s how to do it:

  • To begin, stand with your feet spread wide to either edge of the mat. Your heels should be firmly planted in the ground, and your toes should be pointed straight ahead.
  • Keep your knees completely straight while bending forward at the hips. With your hands clasped, place your elbows on the mat's front edge with a little touch.
  • Without putting too much weight on your upper body, maintain pressure on your heels and softly touch the ground with your elbows.
  • Allow your head to drop forward, and unwind any neck tightness. Draw a deep breath.
  • Maintain the pose for 2-4 minutes.

5) Seated forward bend

This easy yin yoga pose is fabulous for extending your spine and delivering lovely relaxation to your mind and body.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Straighten your legs in front of you as you sit down.
  • A bolster or firm pillow can be placed on your thighs.
  • Your torso should rest on the bolster while you lean forward from the hips.
  • After holding for three to five minutes, slowly rise back to a seated posture.

6) Supine butterfly pose

This yin yoga pose is a wonderful way to wind down and enter deep relaxation. Your hips will naturally open with the support of butterfly legs, and the shoulder alignment will help you develop good posture.


Here’s how to do it:

  • Lay flat on your back to begin. Your feet should be about one to two feet below your hips, with the soles touching. Your knees should be free to fall open to the sides.
  • Your shoulders should be adjusted such that they roll back, and your chest feels elevated.
  • Simply raise your chin a little bit to make room for your breath. Your lower back should be slightly arched so that your spine is neutral rather than crushed against the floor.
  • With your palms facing up, spread your arms out by your sides in a comfortable and casual position. Inhale and concentrate on silence.