6 Best Exercises to Target Arm Fat for Women over 40

Exercises for toned arms. (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
Exercises for toned arms. (Image via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

There are several arm exercises that women over 40 can include in their workout routine to shed arm fat. These effective arm exercises will not only help to reduce arm fat but will also help in sculpting and strengthening your arm muscles.

We have carefully curated a list of the six best and most effective exercises that women over 40 can incorporate into their workout routine to reduce arm fat. These exercises can also be tailored according to individual’s fitness capacity.

Effective Exercises to Reduce Arm Fat for Women over 40

1. Push Ups

Push-ups necessitate upper-body strength. You are not alone in thinking that this is a challenging exercise. However, over time, push-ups have proven to be one of the best exercises for reducing arm fat and increasing arm muscle strength.


How to do it?

  • Start off by assuming the tabletop position on the ground with your shoulders stacked just above your palms.
  • Extend your left leg to the back while balancing on your toes.
  • Make sure that your body creates a straight line in this position.
  • Next, with your core engaged and by pressing onto your palms, lower your chest to the ground.
  • Just as your chest is about to touch the floor, raise your chest by completely extending your arms. Repeat.

2. Plank Shoulder Taps

Like push-ups, plank shoulder taps will help women sculpt their arms by reducing arm fat along with building core strength and overall balance in the body.


How to do it?

  • Start off by assuming a high plank position on the ground with your body creating a straight line, palms stacked just underneath your shoulders, and balancing your body on the toes and hands.
  • Engage your core and keep your back and neck in a neutral position.
  • Lift your right palm off the ground and tap your left shoulder with the same before bringing your right palm back to its original position.
  • Repeat the same on an alternate side.

3. Triceps Dumbbell Kickbacks

Triceps dumbbell kickbacks tend to be one of the most effective exercises that can be incorporated into a workout routine by women to reduce arm fat along with toning their arms. It improves arm and shoulder stability and flexibility.


How to do it?

  • Start off by grasping the dumbbells in both your hands with your palms angled towards one another and knees bent slightly.
  • With a straight spine and engaged core, hinge forward from the waist above so that your upper torso is positioned almost parallel to the ground.
  • Make sure that your head is in alignment with the spine, upper arms, and chin tucked in towards the body.
  • Next, straighten your elbows to the back while keeping your upper arms still. Bring the weights back to their original position. Repeat.

4. Inchworm

Inchworms will help with building significant upper body strength along with toning and reducing arm fat. This exercise focuses primarily on increasing flexibility in the hamstrings as well as strength in the shoulders, chest, and deltoids.


How to do it?

  • Start off in a tall position with your feet together and back erect.
  • While keeping your legs straight, bend from your waist above and position your palms close to your feet.
  • Next, start moving your upper body forward by walking your hands and all the while keeping your legs straight.
  • Assume a high plank position on the ground. Start moving your hands near your feet. Bring your body back to the standing position. Repeat.

5. Triceps Dips

Triceps dips will help in reducing arm fat, which will prevent flabby arms. This exercise will maximize the toning of your arms along with building the overall stability of the body.


How to do it?

  • Start off by positioning yourself in the seated position at the edge of a bench or chair.
  • Make sure to keep your legs close to one another with your palms pressed at the side of your body, knees and elbows both flexed, and fingers curled towards your body.
  • Press onto your arms, raise your hips off the chair and take a couple of steps forward with your legs.
  • Bring your hips to the ground and just as they are about to touch the floor, raise them until your arms are completely extended. Repeat.

6. Overhead Triceps Extension

Overhead triceps extension is also a dynamic exercise that will help in reducing arm fat by maximizing the toning of the muscles as well as building strength. The primary advantage of the overhead triceps extension is the triceps hypertrophy that occurs as a result of the movement.


How to do it?

  • Start off in a tall standing position with your feet slightly apart and back erect.
  • Hold a single dumbbell in both your hands and position it over your head.
  • While still keeping your upper arms still, bend your elbows to bring the weight behind your head.
  • Return the weight above your head. Repeat.

Bottom Line

The exercises listed above are some of the best arm exercises that women over 40 can incorporate into their workout routine to help them lose arm fat. Other benefits of these exercises include increased upper-body strength, improved core stability, improved balance, stronger arms, and more.

However, they should take their time and perform the exercises slowly to avoid injury.

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