Shoulder Tap Exercise: How to Do, Benefits, Variation & More

The shoulder tap exercise is a great core strengthening move. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)
The shoulder tap exercise is a great core strengthening move. (Photo via Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio)

The shoulder tap exercise is an advanced version of the standard plank with a tap. It's a great core strengthening exercise that targets the obliques (sides), transversus abdominus (deep core muscles), as well as the entire back, shoulders, and arms.

Shoulder taps are an intense strength training exercise that might look simple but require great strength and endurance. When done correctly, though, they're guaranteed to provide you with massive core, shoulder, and arm strength, enhanced muscle endurance as well as stability.

How to do the shoulder tap exercise?

Shoulder taps might seem difficult at first, but the good news is that this exercise is easy to learn and can be performed by beginners as well.

Here’s a step-by-step instruction on how to do the shoulder tap exercise:

  • Take a high plank position with your hands and legs on the floor.
  • Position your legs at hip-width distance, and keep your feet straight behind you. Ensure that your body is in a straight line from the crown of your head to the heels.
  • Keep your hips and shoulders level. From there, lift your left palm, and tap your right shoulder. Hold for a second, and bring your palm back to the starting position.
  • Lift your right palm, and tap your left shoulder.
  • Continue alternating sides, and repeat the exercise a few times.

Initially start with eight reps on each side, and gradually increase the reps as you become stronger and more confident.


Benefits of shoulder taps

Aside from the fact that the shoulder tap exercise helps with muscle strength and endurance, this core-killing exercise offers several other benefits too.

Improved posture: Poor posture is not only unhealthy for the back, but it can also misalign the spine structure, cause severe back pain, and even give a permanent hunched back look. Regular practice of the shoulder tap exercise engages the erector spinae, spine, shoulder, and back muscles and strengthens them while promoting a good posture.

Burn calories: Doing this exercise regularly not only strengthens the core but also increases the heart rate, thereby helping you burn a good number of calories. Pairing this exercise with other calorie and fat-burning exercises is sure to amp up your weight loss progress.

Low-intensity exercise: Shoulder taps are a low-intensity exercise, i.e., they require minimal engagement and are also easier on the joints, which makes them a good exercise option even for people with knee pain or bone sensitivity.

Full body workout: The shoulder tap exercise is a full body compound exercise that targets different muscles at once. Although it primarily works on the muscles in the abs and shoulders, the secondary muscles targeted are the biceps, triceps, glutes, hamstrings, back, and chest.

Improves coordination and balance: Another great benefit of this exercise is that it improves the body’s overall balance and coordination. Shoulder taps challenge balance and coordination and help improve and strengthen them.

Requires no fancy equipment and can be done anywhere: The best thing about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere – at home, gym, outdoors, or even while traveling – as it requires just minimal space and no equipment. It can easily and quickly fit into your everyday routine.

Shoulder tap variations

The shoulder tap exercise can be easily modified to suit different fitness needs. There're several variations that make this exercise either less or more challenging. Here are some common variations to try:

1) Kneeling shoulder tap

An easier version of the standard shoulder tap exercise, this move is suitable for absolute beginners or people with injuries to their shoulders, back, or hips.

To do this variation:

  • Take a kneeling plank position with your hands and knees on the floor and knees positioned at hip-width distance.
  • With your back flat and core engaged, lift your right palm, and tap on your left shoulder. Bring your left palm, and tap on your right shoulder.
  • Complete a few reps.

2) Incline shoulder tap

Another great variation of the plank shoulder taps, the incline shoulder tap reduces stress on the wrists and shoulders and is an ideal exercise for people with pain and injuries in these parts.

To do this variation:

  • Get into a high plank position with your hands on top of a step, bench, or any other elevated surface and legs behind you.
  • Place your arms at shoulder width, and keep your legs straight behind you.
  • Start the tapping movements, and complete a few reps.

3) Shoulder tap with leg lift

This is quite an intense variation that challenges your balance along the way. In this variation, alongside the taps, you also need to move one arm and one leg simultaneously.

To do this variation:

  • Take a usual plank position with your neck neutral and spine straight. Engage your core muscles, and squeeze your glutes.
  • As you tap your left shoulder with your right hand simultaneously, kick your left leg straight behind you.
  • Repeat on the other side.


The shoulder tap exercise is a great addition to any gym or home workout routine and is suitable for all fitness levels. This exercise can be done as a warm-up or as an intense core exercise for developing strength, depending on your preferences and fitness goals.

The key, though, is to focus on the right form and practice consistently to level up your training and attain the aforementioned benefits.

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