Why Do We Get Sleepy after We Eat? Know the Possible Reasons

Feeling sleepy after eating? (Image by Freepik)
Feeling sleepy after eating? (Image by Freepik)

We eat primarily to obtain energy and prepare ourselves to get on with the day. However, we may often feel sleepy following a meal, which may make us wonder why do we get sleepy after we eat. There is a term given to this phenomenon, which is called "food coma."

Food coma, scientifically known as postprandial somnolence, is a condition of sleepiness that generally occurs only after we eat a large amount of food. The exact reasons behind this phenomenon are not really understood, but there can be some factors that contribute to sleepiness after we eat.

In this article, we will discuss more about the question of why do we get sleepy after we eat and how to prevent it to stay productive throughout the day.

Causes of Why Do We Get Sleepy after We Eat

Understanding the causes of feeling sleepy after consumption of food (Image by DCStudio on Freepik)
Understanding the causes of feeling sleepy after consumption of food (Image by DCStudio on Freepik)

Before getting into the reasons behind feeling sleepy, understanding the symptoms of food coma is also important. This condition is usually noticed after lunch and one might feel lethargic, have low energy levels, and lack of concentration. The following are the possible causes of feeling sleepy after eating:

The food we eat

The food we are consuming has a huge role to play in our well being and our health. Similarly, it may depend on the food if we are feeling sleepy or not. It has been found that food that is rich in carbs or fat is more likely to make you feel sleepy. The reason behind this is tryptophan, as its levels increase when we consume carbs, which contributes to making us feel sleepy.

Moreover, there are foods that contain melatonin, the presence of which can make you feel sleepy.

Type and timings of meal

Why do we get sleepy after we eat? (Image by pvproductions on Freepik)
Why do we get sleepy after we eat? (Image by pvproductions on Freepik)

As discussed above, the amount of food we consume is also related to sleepiness. It is said that consuming large amounts of food potentially contributes to fatigue.

Moreover, the timings of food consumption are also essential, as the circadian rhythm of our body usually makes our body sleepy during the afternoon. This could be another reason behind your sleepiness after your lunch.

The effects of alcohol

The consumption of alcohol itself makes us sleepy, considering it is a depressant. It makes us relaxed and contributes to sleepiness. Thus, consuming alcohol along with a heavy meal may make us feel more sleepy after we eat.

Insulin levels

Why do we get sleepy after we eat? (Image by jcomp on Freepik)
Why do we get sleepy after we eat? (Image by jcomp on Freepik)

People with diabetes can have varied levels of insulin. After consumption of food, they may face a significant drop in their blood sugar levels, which is also known as hypoglycemia. It can contribute to making you sleepy.

Further, many also have insulin resistance in their body. This happens when there is a drop in blood sugar levels after we eat, and the insulin is not able to do its work due to the resistance. This hinders glucose absorption in the cells, thereby leading to fatigue.

How to Prevent Sleepiness after Eating?

Why do we get sleepy after we eat? (Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik)
Why do we get sleepy after we eat? (Image by wayhomestudio on Freepik)

The answer to the question of why do we get sleepy after we eat is quite significant. This can be easily managed with some simple lifestyle changes and eating habits.

Inculcating habits like consumption of a balanced diet, abstinence from alcohol consumption, getting a good night's sleep, and staying hydrated, can solve your sleepiness after consumption of food.

Feeling sleepy after eating is quite normal and can be manageable easily if proper steps are taken. For that, understanding the reasons as well as prevention is essential.

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