30 hilarious Christmas jokes for kids

A christmas decoration (Image via Beth Dalbey/Patch)
A christmas decoration (Image via Beth Dalbey/Patch)

A well-timed Christmas joke is the perfect way to accentuate the merry atmosphere around the holidays.

The snowy season of Santa Claus's awakening is perhaps best enjoyed by the younger generation, who still have the fantasy intact in their minds and the magic still lingering somewhere.

But growing up does not mean that one should lose out on the magic of Christmas. What can compliment this happiness better than some silly, clever, and fun Christmas jokes?

Here are 30, admittedly childish, jokes that perfectly complement the season.

30 Christmas jokes for kids and adults

Here is the list of 20 best Christmas jokes that are suitable for kids as well as adults:

1) Why didn’t Rudolph get a good report card?

Because he went down in history.

2) What's a Christmas tree's favorite candy?


3) Where do reindeer go for coffee?


4) What do grouchy sheep say during the holidays?

Baaaaaa humbug!

5) How do sheep wish each other happy holidays?

Merry Christmas to ewe.

6) What do you call a greedy elf?


7) What kind of music do elves like?

Wrap music.

8) What does Santa suffer from whenever he gets stuck in a chimney?


9) What does Santa use to keep his house sparkling clean?


10) How much did Santa pay for his sleigh?

“Oh, nothing, it was on the house!”

11) What happened to the thief who stole a Christmas calendar?

He got 12 months.

12) How do you help someone who has lost their Christmas spirit?

Nurse them back to elf.

13) What do you call an elf wearing earmuffs?

Anything you want—he can’t hear you!

14) What do you call Santa when he doesn’t move?

Santa Pause.

15) What does Santa do when the reindeer drive too fast?

Hold on for deer life.

16) Where does a snowman keep his money?

In a snow bank.

17) What do monkeys sing at Christmas?

Jungle bells!

18) What do you get when Santa becomes a detective?

Santa CLUES!

19) Why are Christmas trees bad at sewing?

Because they always drop their needles!

20) Why did the Christmas tree go to the barber?

It needed to be trimmed!

21) What did the Doctor say to the angry advent calendar?

Sorry, your days are numbered!

22) What do you call the kid in your group who doesn’t believe in Santa?

A rebel without a Claus!

23) What is Santa’s favorite motorcycle?

The Holly Davidson.

24) What do you call the Santa who is broke?

Santa Nickel-less.

25) What is the snowman’s favorite type of food?

The Iceberg-ers!

26) With what do the reindeer decorate their Christmas trees?


27) How does Santa take photos?

With a Pole-aroid camera, of course.

28) Why doesn’t Santa go to the hospital?

He has private elf care.

29) Who is never hungry at Christmas?

The turkey – he’s always stuffed.

30) Why did Santa Claus get a parking ticket on Christmas Eve?

He left his sleigh in a snow parking zone.

What is your favorite Christmas joke? Let us know in the comment section below.

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