Does Maya die in Fool Me Once? Explained

Does Maya die in Fool Me Once? (Image via IMDb)
Does Maya die in Fool Me Once? (Image via IMDb)

Does Maya die in Fool Me Once? Fans have asked this question, and the answer is yes, Maya does die. She's fatally shot in a confrontation with Neil Burkett of the Burkett family, whose wrongdoings she threatens to expose in front of everyone.

The eight-part British television series, Fool Me Once, adapted from the wildly popular crime fiction book by the same name, released on Netflix this New Year. The story revolves around Maya Stern and her pursuit of revenge against her husband Joe and his family, the Burketts.

Fool Me Once is written by Harlan Coben, one of the world's most influential crime novelists, and directed by BAFTA winner David Moore. With Harlan known for his surprise storyline twists, expect multiple twists in this series as well.

How does Maya die in Fool Me Once?


Maya confronts Neil Burkett and his family about her husband Joe and her sister Claire's death. She's out to expose them and their shady business to the world when she's fatally shot by Neil Burkett.

The whole series follows Maya's mission to avenge the death of her sister and all the wrongs done to her by Joe (whom she eventually kills) and his family, the Burketts.

Judith Burkett, Maya's mother-in-law, is a manipulative woman who loves to play mind games with her. At one point, she even uses a created nanny cam footage to deceive Maya into thinking that Joe is still alive.

To assist Sami Kierce in exposing the corruption within the Burkett family, Maya strikes a deal. On arriving at the Burkett residence, she knows she won't be able to face the family, but not before installing a nanny cam to capture the entire exchange on camera. Neil kills Maya after she tricks Judith into telling the truth about their business.

Her death was not in vain, though, as she was able to finally bring the misdeeds of the Burkett family to light, which in turn brought about the arrests of Judy, Neil and Caroline. Maya had written a statement for her daughter Lily, saying that she would be at peace before she passed away.

Does Maya die in Fool Me Once? The Big Showdown

How does Maya die in Fool Me Once (Image via IMDb)
How does Maya die in Fool Me Once (Image via IMDb)

How does Maya die in Fool Me Once? Maya, armed with a gun — which she promptly unloads and sets on a side table within easy reach of the evil Burketts—goes to the Burketts' manor to confront Judith and her late husband's siblings, Caroline (Hattie Morahan) and Neil (James Northcote), after revealing everything to confidante Shane (Emmett Scanlan).

There follows a furious confrontation during which both sides acknowledge their transgressions of Maya murdering Joe in retaliation and the Burketts causing widespread pharmaceutical corruption worldwide.

Judith proposes a compromise to maintain silence about everything and hold Joe accountable for all the damage made public. But the conniving person that Neil is, he shoots Maya multiple times before she can even think about it. Taking her last breaths, Maya peeks at the same digital photo that helped hide her nanny cam as Judith and Caroline watch in terror.

She had deftly hidden the camera to record all the drama and seemed ready for things to turn lethal. She had also live streamed the entire thing to the rest of the world while working with Corey and Kierce.

Watch the dark secrets of the Burkett family revealed and the question 'Does Maya die in Fool Me Once' answered in this chilling series of revenge exclusively on Netflix.

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