I Am Jazz season 8 release date and air time

Jazz Jennings returns for another season of I Am Jazz
Jazz Jennings returns for another season of I Am Jazz (Image via Instagram/@jazzjennings_)

I Am Jazz is set to return for another season. The upcoming installment will showcase Jazz Jenning’s journey as she continues to navigate through life and daily hardships.

The upcoming season will feature Jazz’s time at Harvard, which hasn’t been the easiest. The show will also cover new ground in terms of revealing her sexual preferences and dating life.

I Am Jazz is set to premiere on Tuesday, January 24, at 10 pm ET on TLC.

What to expect from the upcoming season of I Am Jazz

Jazz Jennings, who became a beacon for the Transgender community at the early age of six, is set to return to screens alongside her family in the upcoming season of I Am Jazz.


Over the years, the reality star has gone through a lot of hate, and by the looks of it, it isn’t getting any easier. However, she continues to face it head-on.

A promo clip for I Am Jazz season 8, titled, Receiving Death Threats, uploaded to YouTube, gives insights about what to expect from the upcoming season. In the promo, Jazz is trying to get back into dating after taking a break for four years.

In the clip, her mother tells her to add her massage skills to her online dating bio. In a confessional, Jazz reveals that she’s about to go on a date for the first time in four years. However, it seems like it doesn’t go all that well, as her date coaxes her to dance even when she’s uncomfortable.

In her confessional, Jazz said:

"I’m intimidated and tense."

When he asks her if he can kiss her, and she declines, the conversation somehow devolves about the possibility of her being asexual.

The I Am Jazz cast member has opened up about her mental health issues over the years and has said that sometimes “the social anxiety just takes over.” In the clip, the producers ask her whether she’s okay while they’re in a club, and Jazz tells them that she suddenly feels sick.

The trans-rights activist reads out texts she gets from trolls online to her friends and the hate that she receives. In a joint confessional, her mother tells her that this is what they have been afraid of.

Jazz claims that someone wants to kill her for being transgender. Death threats are beginning to worry her parents - the recent ones sound more ominous than the ones their daughter received before. Her mother says:

"There’s a person out there that knows where she lives."

However, the I Am Jazz star isn’t someone to succumb to hate and leads a rally on college grounds. The event is put together to raise awareness about trans people, and the attendees are all wearing trans flags. Even though the event seems to be going well, her mother is extremely worried as “there is no timeline on a death threat."

Tune in on Tuesday, January 24, at 10 pm ET on TLC to see what happens when season 8 premieres.

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