5 Ways in which John Cena can end the 50-50 fan reaction

The word polarizer in the dictionary should be replaced with John Cena as he is either one of the most hated or one of the most loved superstars in the WWE history. Cena has been on top of the mountain for a long time now and is looking immensely stale at the moment.The number of people who jeer Cena when he comes out to that music is increasing at an alarming rate and WWE should do something at the earliest to keep their priced possession running for a longer period.Changes needs to happen with everyone and John Cena is no different, so here is a look at some of the booking decisions that WWE could do with Cena so that he will redeem himself in front of the current fans community.

#5 Bring back the rap

The promos of John Cena as a baby face have been one dimensional. He comes out, makes some lame jokes about his opponent, promises to win, plugs in the three mottos he lives by and that’s pretty much it.

There is nothing exciting about this repetitive routine and it is one of the things that WWE should change about Cena. Bringing back the raps into Cena’s promos is a great way to do this. He might not have the creative freedom that he had in the Ruthless Aggression Era but Cena would pull it off.

He just has to tone down the language and spill out some great insults rather than keeping them in the lame funny category.

#4 Find a kryptonite

Ever wondered what Cena’s gimmick in WWE is? It is that of a Superman without a kryptonite. The Cenation leader is booked strongly no matter whom he is up against and is not known for tapping out to submission moves as well.

A superstar being built up without much weakness is something that WWE needs to stop. Cena should lose cleanly every now and then. He should also tap out once in a while and put over younger talent.

Instead of the reputation he earned for kicking out at two, Cena should be known for involving in matches that are unpredictable. Letting Cena lose every now and then would make it an easy path for the company.

#3 Stop being a walking advertisement

A major chunk of the merchandise money that WWE earns is because of John Cena. His fans have no trouble splashing out their hard earned money to look like him and that is a fact.

Despite all these, Cena goes around like a walking advertisement. He is stocked from head to toe with his own merchandise. From the colorful hat to shoes, Cena leaves no stones unturned. The problem is, he looks stupid.

Walking around like that is similar to tattooing your own name all over your body. The fans are going to buy Cena merchandise even without such extreme advertisement so the best thing for Cena would be to drop coming out loaded like he currently does.

#2 Get some new moves

While most of the current crop of wrestlers comes into the squared circle with a pocket full of moves, Cena has his five moves of doom. Of course there are a handful of successful names in the company that relied on such tactics, but none of them remained as the face of WWE for nearly a decade.

Cena has been using these five moves over and over at the brightest spotlight possible and this is the reason why he should find out new ones. Adding some fresh maneuvers into his arsenal will be met with great appreciation by the fans.

And if those moves are some technical ones instead of just brawling style moves, then that will earn Cena some respect even from his haters.

#1 Turn heel

John Cena’s heel turn is one of the most anticipated moments in the professional wrestling community, which is also the reason why Cena should turn heel for being relevant once again.

Hulk Hogan had a similar run back in the 90s and Eric Bischoff decided to pull off the NWo angle. The unexpected heel turn proved to be a career changer for Hogan and it would work the same way for the Cenation leader.

He could turn heel and have a singles run or start up a faction like Hogan to turn the WWE upside down. Do the other things on this list alongside this heel turn, and Cena would be a force to reckon with.

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