Last week, James Gunn's Superman finally began filming in public, and set photos offered us a brand new look at David Corenswet as the titular DC superhero. Addiditonally, we also got new looks at Edi Gathegi as Mr. Terrific, Rachel Brosnahan as Lois Lane, Skyler Gisondo as Jimmy Olsen, and more, and the set photos caused discussions online.
With many fans talking about Superman online now, there has been a renewed interest in the character not just among fans, but the general public as well. Naturally, folks will want to dive into comics featuring the character to better understand him.
Given that James Gunn and David Corenswet have previously mentioned some comics that are major inspirations for the film and with it also focusing on a young Man of Steel, here are five essential reads that fans should check out to prepare for the upcoming movie.
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From All-Star Superman to Superman For All Seasons, here are five essential Superman comics to read
1) Superman Smashes the Klan by Gene Luen Yang and Gurihiru

Given that the upcoming film will potentially focus on the legacy of the character, Superman Smashes the Klan written by Gene Luen Yang and drawn by Gurihiru is something that one can't go wrong with. The comic focuses on the Man of Steel helping the Lees, a Chinese American family, from the KKK and eventually stumbling upon his own legacy as a Kryptonian as well.
The comic, with Yang's writing, feels extremely personal and touching, and Gurihiru's art is a great standout as well. Diving into Clark's Kryptonian heritage too, it gives the readers a clear idea of that aspect of the character. It's all wrapped up in a sweet story that tells us about the acceptance of others.
2) Superman For All Seasons by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale

Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale are very well known for bringing their great take to Batman in Batman: The Long Halloween and its sequels, but the creatives also tackled the Man of Steel and created a great starter entry for fans. For All Seasons is told in four chapters, with each covering a season. Each season is narrated by a supporting character that includes the likes of Jonathan Kent, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, and Lana Lang.
The book covers Clark Kent's early life in Smallville, his going to Metropolis, and becoming the Man of Tomorrow. While it still focuses on the early days of the character, it very well establishes the idea of why Clark does what he does, and gives a better understanding of the character.
Read more: Which comic could DCEU's Man of Steel 2 be based on?
3) Superman by Joshua Williamson and Jamal Campbell

For fans who wish to read a powerful Superman story that takes prior continuity into account, the current comic run on the character by Joshua Williamson and Jamal Campbell is the right one.
Focusing on the relationship between the Man of Steel and his arch-nemesis, Lex Luthor, who is in jail right now, it's a fun run on the character that will still keep readers informed about the majority of the beats so that they won't feel lost while reading it.
4) New 52 Action Comics by Grant Morrison

Grant Morrison is arguably one of the best modern writers to helm Superman, and his Action Comics run that was part of DC's New 52 relaunch for the character was a revelation. Again focusing on a much younger Clark, the story does a great job at introducing fans and newcomers to his villains and huge supporting cast. Filled with some great arcs, this is a comic run that fans shouldn't miss.
Not to mention, Morrison is joined by some great artists like Rags Morales, Andy Kubert, and more, who bring their distinct look to the book.
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5) All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly

Now familiar with who the Man of Steel is, let's switch gears and take a look at the character who is in the final days of life. While All-Star by Grant Morrison and Frank Quietly isn't a book that you would recommend as an introduction to the character, it still is an essential read that will give you a deeper understanding of who Superman is.
The story follows the Man of Steel as he learns he only has a year to live and decides to make his peace with the world by completing the Twelve Labours, which are essentially heroic feats. The story has a sense of timelessness to it that really echoes the ideals of the character and what makes him so special.
Read more: DC fans go crazy over new set photos of David Corenset in Superman gear
Fans can check out James Gunn's film starring David Corenswet, Rachel Brosnahan, Nicholas Hoult, and more next year when it releases in theatres on July 11, 2025.
Read more: 5 things people absolutely hate about David Corenswet's Superman