5 tips and tricks to master Chamber in Valorant

Top 5 tips and tricks to play Chamber in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)
Top 5 tips and tricks to play Chamber in Valorant (Image via Riot Games)

The new Valorant agent Chamber, arriving in Patch 3.10, has been assigned the Sentinel role by Riot Games.

Chamber will be released on November 16, 2021, in Episode 3 Act 3. Players can unlock the agent and play in Valorant. However, to play the new Sentinel, one needs a lot of practice and skills. Valorant fans and the community are excited for the agent to release soon and get their hands on it.


However, mastering the new Valorant agent, Chamber, won't be easy without knowing some tips and tricks.

Top five tricks and tips to play the new Valorant agent, Chamber

Following are the top five tips and tricks to play Chamber in Valorant.


1) Practice in Range and Custom

The first thing that anyone needs to master any agent is practice. Valorant players can practice the use of their abilities at Range or queue a custom match with friends. This will help them create a brief idea of how to play the latest Valorant agent, Chamber.

Gradually they can shift to Unrated matches to get more experience and innovate more ideas to play the agent on different maps and in different situations.

2) Sharp aim

Chamber's abilities like Headhunter (Q) and his ultimate Tour De Force (X) mostly rely on gunplay. Thus, it is essential to have a good aim in Valorant to play the agent. Else, it can be very difficult for the players to utilize their abilities perfectly in the matches.

Players can practice the aim in Range and improve their gunplay to master the new Valorant agent perfectly.

3) Play defensively

Chamber is assigned the Sentinel role and is designed for defensive plays. It can not rush into the sites aggressively like other Duelist agents with the use of his abilities. Rather, he can knock down enemies from a distance and defend the site better.

Thus, while playing Chamber, players can gather information and resist the enemies from pushing into the site, and at the same time can gain easy kills.

4) Gather intel

Chamber's Trademark (C) ability can locate enemies coming under its radius and slow them down. This will provide intel about the enemy's position like other Sentinel agents and help defend the site.

The player can also pass on the information to the teammates by communicating with them.

5) Play eco for the team

As two of the Chamber's abilities - Headhunter (Q) and his ultimate Tour De Force (X) are based on gunplay, the player doesn't need to essentially buy guns. This will make eco rounds easier to execute.

If needed, the player can eco the rounds and save credits for the team. They can later buy weapons for their teammates who are in need.

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