Valorant potentially teases new Agent's ultimate in Episode 5 Act 2 Battlepass

The player cards in Valorant
The player cards in Valorant's Episode 5 Act 2 Battlepass speaks volumes about the upcoming Agent's abilities (Image via Sportskeeda)

The Valorant community is eagerly waiting for a new Agent in the game soon. To add to the hype, Riot Games has even planted exciting Easter eggs in Brimstone's office at The Range, leading to fans heavily theorizing about the new Agent.

While some expected the developers to drop the new Agent in Episode 5 Act 2, Riot ended up saving the big release for an upcoming Act/Episode. However, a new theory has sprung up since the release of Act 2's Battlepass. Apparently, one of the player cards included with the Battlepass potentially showcases the upcoming Agent's Ultimate ability.


Riot's creative Easter eggs have helped fans understand the upcoming Agent slightly better. Popular ideas suggest that he could be of Indian origin, as his name, Varun Batra, indicates. The game's current lore states that Fade is still trying to get in touch with the mysterious man for Brimstone.

Other popular speculations claim that Varun Batra could be the very first Agent in Valorant Protocol to represent the element of Water. In fact, the latest Battlepass seems to further strengthen that idea.

Did Riot Games just tease Valorant's upcoming Agent via Act 2's Battlepass?


The current Battlepass may be giving out subtle hints about the new Agent's abilities. As popular theories suggest, Varun Batra may wield the power of water and be able to produce water-based smokes. His Ultimate could allow him to summon a tidal wave, leaving his enemies vulnerable.

The theme for one of the card collections in the latest Battlepass is named 'Garden of Heroes'. Each of them depicts a water-based combat scene and how Omen, Phoenix, Sage, and Jett managed to overcome it, thereby becoming heroes on Omega Earth.

A possible theory could suggest that all four of them have faced Varun Batra's Ultimate ability. The pattern on the cards resembles a tidal wave, which is expected to be Batra's Ultimate.

'Garden Of Heroes' Player Cards (Image via Riot Games)
'Garden Of Heroes' Player Cards (Image via Riot Games)

Furthermore, the free Player Card from the tenth section of the Act 2 Battlepass may further confirm Varun Batra's origin as well as depict one of his abilities. The background resembles a lotus, which is the national flower of India, and the pattern in the center may be what water-based smokes could look like.

Valorant's latest map, Pearl, is situated underwater and is the game's very first map on Omega Earth. Although the map seemed less intricate at the start, players are slowly realizing how mysterious every corner of Pearl is.


The lore related to Pearl unfolded an intriguing mystery that was showcased in the Episode 5 cinematic. Killjoy discovered that their counterparts on Omega Earth are building a life support system.

As mentioned by Fade in an email to Brimstone, Varun Batra is currently the keeper of Legion's newest power source. The power source could be the key to the life support system Legion (Valorant Protocol's counterpart on Omega Earth) is building, which is why Valorant Protocol is looking to locate Varun Batra.

The latest email from Fade suggests that Varun Batra is a known fugitive for having stolen a prized artifact from REALM, a secretive taskforce. The artifact discussed in the email could be the same power source, and as Astra's latest voice message to Brimstone states, Valorant Protocol is striving to locate Varun Batra as quickly as possible.

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