Ranking Randy Orton’s 10 greatest WrestleMania matches

Orton has quite an illustrious Mania track record
Orton has quite an illustrious Mania track record

#9 Rey Mysterio & Kurt Angle – WrestleMania 22

Chicago had some thoughts about this match
Chicago had some thoughts about this match

The triple threat match between Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio & Randy Orton was odd. The crowd in Chicago spent most of the night cheering for the heels, and when it came to this match, nobody was even given a second to breathe. It wasn’t even 10 minutes long and while the action was fun, we weren’t given a chance to appreciate it.

Orton certainly played an integral role both in this match and in the entire build-up, although the exploitation of Eddie Guerrero’s death wasn’t something that many fans were in favour of.

It certainly wasn’t a bad match by any stretch of the imagination, but it could’ve done with at least six more minutes in order to reach its full potential.