Ranking the 20 of the best WWE Matches of all time

Matches that will never be forgotten
Matches that will never be forgotten

#17 The Rock Vs. Mankind - Raw is War (1999)

A match that doesn't get much recognition
A match that doesn't get much recognition

Easily one of those encounters which are far more underrated than they are believed to be, Mankind's clash with the Rock for the WWF Championship on an edition of Monday Night Raw in 1999 remains an absolute masterpiece that didn't get the credit it rightfully deserves.

With Vince McMahon establishing himself as one of the greatest heels in the business, aligning the Rock in the Corporate faction garnered tremendous heat, with Mankind working as a victim of the Chairman's torture and unabashed power.

One of the more significant reasons why this match remains a pretty iconic one is because of the uncertainty and unpredictability that surrounded it.

Nobody in the entire DCU Center had any clue what was transpiring in front of their eyes, with the Great One continuing his fantastic heel work and constantly mocking the victim in Mankind.

Since D-Generation X were establishing themselves at that time, backing Mankind throughout his feud with the Corporate team made for some entertaining television back then.

As Mankind eventually gained momentum and brought 'Mr. Socko' into play, the Rock's vulnerability was protected by the Corporate's, with Ken Shamrock interfering the bout by hitting an extremely aggressive chair-shot to the Mankind.

This led to a huge brawl breaking outside the ring with DX and Vince McMahon's team battling it out in front of a hot crowd only to be followed by one of the most deafening reactions in Monday Night Raw history.

Stone Cold made an appearance to a ground-breaking reaction and assisted Mankind in defeating the Rock and finally winning the WWF Championship.

With Austin and Mankind both feuding with the Corporation during that time, this encounter brought two of the biggest babyfaces together to seek redemption on the greatest heel this business will ever see, as they assisted each other in descending Vince McMahon's Corporation to a deafening reaction that will never be forgotten.

This was the time when Monday Night Raw was at its peak, and the fact that an underdog in Mankind defeated the Rock to win the WWF Championship inspired generations that came after him.


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