3 Last minute predictions for tonight's WWE Raw (29 April 2019)

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#2 Alexa Bliss names herself as the guest enforcer for Women's Money In The Bank Match

Blissed we are
Blissed we are

Alexa Bliss can play a heel and babyface to perfection, but her recent acts confirm that she will be a heel for a considerable amount of time. She hasn't been involved in a lot of in-ring action over the months, and while it would be nice to see her between those ropes, it would be better if she puts herself in charge of the women's Money In The Bank ladder match at the show.

The fact that this will provide the necessary ground for a feud down the line between her, and an opponent will be a good idea. This is considering the fact that she last wrestled with Bayley who isn't a part of the Raw roster anymore. She needs a worthy competition and this will be a great idea to elevate not just her in-ring return but also a deserving wrestler's career.

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